AP timeline

By Apclass
  • Period: 1368 to

    Ming Dynasty-Larry J

    Politcal and Cultural:The Ming Dynasty ruled China from 1368 to 1644 A.D., during which China’s population would double.
    It was known for trade expansion and making cultural ties to the western eorld, it also had art influnce with its Drama,Literature, and porcelain.
  • Period: 1462 to 1505


    Ivan III becomes the tsar. This results in Moscow becoming an important political center which eventually helps it expand and advance.
  • 1500


  • 1500

    Choson Korea

    The people put in power were those born in the yangban (civil and elite families). Because of this strategy of placing those in elite families in power, Korea was able to recover from the war. This made an impact since without this course of action, Korea might have not been as advanced as it is now.
  • Period: 1500 to

    Global Interaction Timeline

  • Period: 1500 to

    Slave Trade in India - Emeka E.

    2.1 million slaves are exported to India. This has a lasting effect on the world as it establishes the caste system in India. It is frowned upon to be dark skin. Where it originates is from the slave trade that brought Africans to the region through the colonies. This led to the view that continues to this day.
  • 1502

    Safavid Empire - Emeka E.

    Ismail begins his rule and converts Iran to Shi'ism By converting Iran to Shi'ism he completely made it clear that it was its own separate country. This allows them to be able to have their own rule and not be influenced by their Muslim neighbors. If this did not occur than Safavid rule would probably not exist for a long time or even at all. There could be an entirely different empire that consists of Iran and their Muslim neighbors together.
  • Period: 1502 to 1524

    Safavid Empire is Established - Emeka E.

    Shah Ismail establishes Safavid rule in Iran It starts the rule of the Safavid Empire and problems over the type of worship a Muslim should be following. Either being a Shi'ite or a Sunni. This will later affect the relationship Shahs and Shi'ite have with one another.
  • 1512

    Ottoman Empire Selim -Larry J

    Selim I ascends to the throne Political: Add Egypt,Palenstine,Arbaia,and Syria under Ottomon control
  • Period: 1516 to 1517

    Ottoman Empire Selim-Larry J

    Selim I conquers Egypt and Syria
    Political: Expanded Ottoman Empire influence and trade opportunities.
  • 1517

    Attempt of a Portuguese embassy in China

    Portugal attempted to reach China and establish an embassy, however was stopped from trading and were expelled. This is important as the acceptance of the Portuguese could have resulted in the colonization of China as the other colonies Portugal took over.
  • 1520

    Ottoman Empire use of Janissaries-Larry J

    The Ottomans added Janissaries to their military consisting of cavalry archers and Turks. Political:This led to an increase in the Ottoman's military flexibility. They were able to send Janissaries elsewhere to fight for them while fighting in a different location. This allowed for the Ottoman Empire to expand faster than they would have been able to. If they held back on using the military slaves they could have expanded farther than they had already.
  • Period: 1520 to 1566

    Ottoman Empire Suleiman-Larry J

    Reign of Suleiman the magnificent; peak of the Ottoman Empire Arts and politcal:
    Suleiman created a uniform system of law and welcomed different forms of arts and literature
  • 1521

    Ottoman at Belgrade-Larry J

    Sulean conquers Belgrade Politcal: Led to the battle of Mohacs and the defeat of the Hungarian Empire
  • 1522

    Ottoman at Rhodes-Larry J

    Suleiman I captures Rhodes Economic and Politcal:
    Secures Ottoman control of the Eastern Mediterranean, increasing trade opportunities and land under the empire
  • 1526

    Ottoman Mohacs-Larry J

    Battle of Mohacs. Suleiman I defeats Louiss II of Hungary and Bohemia Politcal: Marked the effective end of the Hungarian Empire , leaving territory up for grabs
  • 1526

    Babur establish Mughal's Rule - Emeka E.

    Babur defeats last sultan of Delhi This leads to the Mughal Empire being establish leading to the prosperity India had in the sixteenth century. In addition the unification of Hindu and Muslim Ideas.
  • Period: 1526 to

    Mughal Empire

    The Mughal Empire is founded by Babur, a Muslim descendant of Timur and Chinggis Khan.
  • 1529

    Ottamn Empires First Seige-Larry J

    First Ottoman siege of Vienna Politcal:Signed the downfall of Turkish domination in Eastern Europe
  • Period: 1533 to


    Ivan the Terrible pushes conquests of Muscovy east and south. This event resulted in the growth of political power Muscovy had as it now obtained more land. This made a lasting impact as it set up future conquests and made way for Russia to expand.
  • Period: 1534 to 1536

    Ottoman in Iraq-Larry J

    Suleiman I leads the Two Iraqs campaign against the Safavids, annexing Baghdad
    Political:Expands Ottoman influence and power in the region
  • 1541

    Ottoman in Hungary-Larry J

    Conquest of Buda and the establishment of Ottoman rule over Hungary Politcal: Added power to the Ottoman Empire and new territory , increasing its wealth allowing the empire to continue in conquest
  • 1543

    Japanese Daimyo - Emeka E.

    Daimyo or warlords receive firearms and improve on armorers This led to increasing protection over Japan. The daimyo served as subordinated to the imperial government. This means they must protect and control the Islands like Police officers. By having a firearm it led to less crime and problems in the region as firearms was not widely available. This allowed the Tokugawa Shogunate to function with fewer problems.
  • 1550


  • 1551

    Ottoman in Tripoli-Larry J

    Seige of Tripoli, Tripoli is taken over Politcal: Increased Ottoman Territory , increasing power and allowing them to continue conquering
  • 1552

    Ottoman Muscant-Larry J

    Capture of Muscat from the Portuguese Empire Politcal: Put a stop to Ottoman attempt to conquer India and allowed India to operate without Ottoman control
  • Period: 1552 to

    Jesuit of Ming China

    Matteo Ricci, an expert of the chinese language and scholar was able to adapt Catholicism into Chinese culture resulting in the conversion of the Chinese people into Catholicism. This is important as it shaped the country into a western religious view and shows the impact outsiders had on China.
  • 1555

    Ottoman Empire Amasya-Larry J

    Peace of Amasya signed with the Safavid Empire. Politcal: Decided a politcal bordee and brought 20 years of peace
  • Period: 1556 to

    The Peak of the Mughal Empire - Emeka E.

    Akbar rules in Agra; peak of Mughal Empire The economy in the area was very prosperous leading to many Merchants around the world coming to India to trade. This led to a peaceful conditions in the area as the region could suffer negatively if the Mughal economy drop.
  • Period: 1570 to 1573

    Ottoman Vietnam-Larry J

    Ottoman foes to war woth Vietnam. Cyprus is conquested Political:More territory and opportunities , increases foothold is South Asia
  • 1571

    Ottoman at Lepanto-Larry J

    The Holy League defeats the Ottoman at the Battle of Lepanto Politcal and Technological: Displayed the first voital victory for Christain naval forces over turkish fleet and a height of mediterranean glallery warfare.
  • 1574

    Ottoman Tunis-Larry J

    Conquest of Tunis. Sellim II death and Murad III accession to the throne Politcal: Selim II inablity to establish dominance over Jans led to the start of the Ottoman Emoire changing Asia and Medditerranian forver
  • Period: 1578 to

    Ottoman-Safavid War

    The Safavids were facing domestic issues, and wanting to use this to their advantage, the Ottomans declared war amidst these problems.
  • 1580

    Japanese Christian - Emeka E.

    Over 100, 000 became Christian. This led to a bunch of Europeans coming to Japan to work with the converters. This eventually led to Japan's isolation from outer countries. If there were fewer converters there will be fewer Europeans and Japan would still be open instead of isolated. Japan would have experienced more cultural diffusion than they did during their isolation leading to a different Japan that we have today.
  • 1582


    Russia’s discovery, exploration and colonization of Siberia. The colonization of Siberia resulted in an economic and political growth as the Russians were able to use goods of the area such as fur. With new land, the Russians were able to expand their political power as they had more territory now after colonizing Siberia
  • Period: to

    Shah Abbas takes control of the Safavid Empire - Emeka E.

    Reign of Shah Abbas the Great; peak of Safavid Empire This has lasting affect on the world as it leads to the fall of the Safavid Empire. The Ottoman Empire and Turkey would probably not be able to control the land they have if the Empire did not start to decline under his rule.
  • Treaty of Constantinople

    Also known as the Peace of Istanbul, this was a treaty between the Safavid Empire and Ottoman Empire, which ended the Ottoman-Safavid War. This treaty put an end to a 12 year rivalry between the two empires.
  • Choson Korea

    Japanese invasion of Korea which was stopped by Yi Sunshin’s plan of deploying turtle ships. However, this resulted in a Choson Korea being left in a devastated state for a long time deterring its advancements.
  • Period: to

    Ottoman and the Turkish

    Turkish war which lasted 13 years and ended with the Peace of Zsitvatorok, a treaty
    Brought increased u its to the region and more independent trade opportunities
  • Ottoman Mehmet-Larry J

    Mehmet III accesion to throne Politcal:Signed treaty that confirmed the Ottomans' inability to penetrate further into Habsburg territories limiting their power
  • Isfahan becomes Iran's capital - Emeka E.

    Shah Abbas moved the capital to Isfahan By building his palace in Isfahan he led to two economic centers being developed. Istanbul was a seaport city that had developed a strong economy based off of trade. That led to markets being developed to take or give items for the trade. Most of them were in Isfahan because the ruler lives there. The markets in Istanbul added to the prosperity the empire had.
  • End of Muscovite Dynasty - Emeka E.

    The Muscovite dynasty ruled from 1276 to 1598 The region would have been dominated by steppe nomads or the Golden Horde. By forming their empire it allowed the Russians to absorb them into their empire for a huge territory. This led to Moscow becoming the third Rome to the Russian church. Without the Muscovite dynasty, Russia would have been a lot smaller than it is now.
  • 1600

  • Tokugawa Japan-Larry J

    Tokugawa Ieyasu establishes Tokugawa Empire Politcal:Pushed Japan into the Modern World with technological innovations
  • Period: to

    Ottoman Savfid War-Larry J

    Ottoman-Safavid War. Ottoman lost all the lands they won with the Ferhat Pasha Treaty
    Political: Big loss for the Empire and signaled a downturn, loss of territory and trade influence
  • Ottoman Kuyucu

    Kuyucu Murad Pasha suppresses the Jelali revolts
    Political: Decreases turmoil in the empire allowing ot to focus on expansion
  • Japan expels foreign contact - Emeka E.

    Japan makes a decree that Christianity is banned This decree was made out of fear that Christianity would have change the government and seize control of the country. This fear was a reasonable assumption because if the population became Christian the Japanese beliefs would not be the main religion. If they did not have a decree to ban Christianity than Japan would be like the U.S. or Brazil that has most of the population being Christian. We can see Christianity is in their government.
  • Safavid and Ottoman Empire relationship - Emeka E.

    At this time Shah Abbas came into contact with Jahangir of the Mughal Empire. Even though the relationship between one another is not completely known, their contact with one another left a lasting impact. The two emperors help spread geographical ideas into the Muslim world. They brought innovations to the land and help us see where the Muslim beliefs were spreading. The Mughal had a hybrid culture while the Safavid were Shi'ites leading to exchange of beliefs.
  • Ottoman Osman and Abaza-Larry J

    Regicide of Osman II and the Revolt of Abaza Mehmed Pasha
    Political: Chnaged Political landscape;brought instabilty withon the empire
  • Safavid Empire - Emeka E.

    Shah Abbas dies This has a lasting effect on the world because at one point the Safavid Empire was the most prosperous empire around. WHat contribute to their success was the rule of Shah Abbas. His rule was so important that later rulers could not manage the silk monopoly or silver inflation. If he had lived a little bit longer he could have had a chance to write the tactics for a strong, prosperous empire that could benefit the following leaders and other neighboring empires.
  • Period: to

    Japan reduce trade with Europe - Emeka E.

    Japan produces decrees that will reduce the trade they have with Europe All the innovations that Japan was receiving were coming from China or Korea. This allowed them to only get the best of the best in materials and inventions. This allowed them to develop slightly faster than other locations in the world. For example, Japan was able to get electricity in 1878 when the U.S. got it in 1882. That was only 25 years after they came out of isolation.
  • Period: to


    Despite attempts to convert people to Orthodox Christianity, Islam continued being the major religion in Siberia.
  • Qing conquest of Beijing

    Qing came short in defeating the Manchu who were defending Beijing. This was an important event as it lead to Qing's downfall and showed their weakness.
  • Ottoman Mehemed-Larry J

    Deposition of Sultan Ibrahim, enthronement of Mehemed IV
    Political: Oversaw Ottoman- Polish War and led the Ottoman Eloiew to max size in Europe exceesing their dominance and fave them trade and political control in new territories
  • Russia

    Law changed peasants into the serf social class resulting in stricter slavery and masters having more economic benefits. Serfs are attached to a piece of land, and so are not allowed to leave. This resulted in a big change in social life as slaves were more justified as now they were seen as part of land and not an owner, changing the layout of the social hierarchy as peasants are now basically slaves.
  • 1650

  • Period: to

    Unification of Hindu and Muslim beliefs in the Mughal Empire - Emeka E.

    Aurangzeb imposes conservative Islamic regime This led to the unification of Hindu and Muslim hybrid culture weakening. Aurangzeb would practice Muslim intolerance which will distance the Muslim people in the Empire. We see this was the case when the newly integrated region to the empire. The region develops a regional power probably brought on from the clashing beliefs with one another. Since the empire was in a dispute this allowed for resistance and invasion to occur to the Mughal Empire.
  • Qing Kangxi-Larry J

    Kangxi becomes emperor
    He reigns for 61 years, encouraging painting, porcelain making, and literature. He often tours his empire to make sure it is going well, started international rrade and expanded his empire
  • Period: to

    Rule of Emperor Kangxi

    The ruling of Emperor Kangxi saw economic growth, military achievement, and cultural development enriching China. Effects such as transit taxes being lowered, roads being repaired, and rents cut resulted in any even more developed China helps lead to it's major development as a country.
  • Period: to

    Ottoman Polish

    Polish Oroan War, conquest of Kamianets-Podilskyi, Ottoman reached maximum size in europe giving them more trade and more land to control
  • Russia

    Princess Sophia gained control and took charge of Russia’s government. This was an important event as it saw a shift in the way Russia was managed and led to events such as the ruling of Peter the Great which shaped Russia into a more developed country.
  • Treaty of Nerchinsk with Russia

    This treaty among Qing China and Russia ended the conflict between them and resulted in the opening of trade among the Amur river. This is important as it brought in economic growth and an exchange of ideas among both areas.
  • Qing control of Inner Mongolia

    Ruler Kangxi led troops to defeat Galdan and took control of Inner Mongolia. This is an important event as it demonstrates not only Qing but Kangxi's power and military strategy proving their power among other nations strengthening their influence overall.
  • Period: to


    Peter the Great’s forces took over Azov’s port but lost it in 1713 resulting in the cancellation of his plan to expand southward. This caused his original plan to be deterred and so resulted in a growth in intellect in Russia and specifically Peter the Great's military strategy as with this loss he was able to gain more land in the future.
  • Period: to


    Peter the Great went through the Black Sea campaign, a journey that found him traveling in disguise to discover innovations among European societies to discover their secrets and apply them onto his empire. This made a lasting impact on the world as it spread western ideas not just in Russia but among other places as well, making these ideas the standard.
  • 1700

  • Choson Korea

    Women receive more rights compared to before. Women became philosophers, influenced royalty, and were no longer listed in family genealogies along their brothers. This made a huge impact as it resulted in more equality which eventually helped Korea develop as a country.
  • The Little Ice Age

    The Little Ice Age affected Europe but China as well. Because of this, annual temperatures dropped severely resulting in famine due to nonexistent agriculture. This is an important event as it eventually lead towards the end of the Ming empire
  • Period: to


    Great Northern War resulted in the break of the Baltic Sea, making contacts between Russia and Europe possible. This resulted in an economic gain as trade was now possible as well as a lasting effect in the social life and intellect in Russia as other European areas gave a major influence towards Russia's way of living.
  • The Death of Aurangzeb

    The death of Aurangzeb led to the eventual decline of the Mughal Empire, primarily because after him there was weak successors and succession dispute.
  • Russia's capital is now St. Petersburg

    St. Petersburg becomes Russia's capital Peter the Great changed the way that Russia develop. By changing the capital to St. Petersburg, he moves the capital to a European inspire city following all the advancements Europe was having. This led them to be included more in European trade and develop at the same pace, if not, slightly slower than the European counterparts.
  • Russia

    Peter the Great followed Western customs which had a great influence onto his empire such as causing an end to the seclusion of Russian women and the education of children. This had a lasting effect as it put Russia in a more advanced position which led to its expansion both physically and intellectually as a nation. It raised its power and influence to match that of other European countries.
  • Period: to

    Ottoman Tulip-Larry J

    Tulip craze, used the emblem for various cultural practices
    Economic and Culture:The Tulip Period illustrated the problems brought by early modern consumer culture and was a shared material symbolise and it rose prices of Tulips in the region alot
  • Afghan invaders end Safavid's Rule - Emeka E.

    Afghan invaders topple last Safavid shah This had an lasting effect on the world as the Mughal Empire might of lasted longer do to Nadir Shah not having control over Iran. The Safavid Empire controlled Iran so if the civilization remain standing the many empires in the surround Middle East area would have probably survived longer and some not develop at all.
  • Mughal

    Nizam al-Mulk reduce the Mughal Empire to an independent state This left a lasting impact on the world by causing the prosperity India had to go all to Europe. This led to Europe increasing control on India and the control of Indian princes. The Mughal Empire would have probably been able to prosper again to reach the point there were before.
  • Ottoman Empire Janissary-Larry J

    Janissary revolt begins period of Ottoman conservatism
    Political:Instability in the Empire and ushered a change in direction in the Empire for the worse
  • Safavid Empire - Emeka E.

    Nadir Shah unites Iran After toppling the Safavid Empire he reunites them under his rule. By doing this he is able to have an army to weakened the Mughal Empire. So if he was not able to have Iran unified he would have to face them before being able to face the Mughal. Leading to them maybe surviving longer or have a greater effect on history.
  • Period: to

    Rule of Emperor Qianlong

    The ruling of Emperor Qianlong saw economic growth, military achievement, and cultural development enriching China. Effects such as transit taxes being lowered, roads being repaired, and rents cut resulted in any even more developed China helps lead to it's major development as a country.
  • Period: to

    Nadir Shah reunites Iran and invades India - Emeka E.

    Nadir Shah temporarily reunites Iran; invades India(1739) Nadir Shah takes over Iran and topple the Mughal Empire. Because of him he leads India to be free from the Mughal Empire and leads to less unification of India. The southern part of India was not completely dissolve in the Mughal Empire. So the potential for conflict between the north and south was still plausible. There could have been wars that could have affected the Spice Trade and change the history of India for the long run.
  • Iranians takes over Delhi - Emeka E.

    Iranians under Nadir Shah sack Delhi This impacted the world as it establishes the end of the Mughal Empire. Even though the empire lasted long after the invasion the power they had was completely gone. They could not keep a unified state so they had to downgrade to an independent state. This allows for many kingdoms to develop around them and they can not do anything about it.
  • Mughal - Emeka E.

    Joseph Francois Dupleix took over strongholds of other European countries for France The only reason why he was able to do this was the weakening of the Mughal empire. They would not have been able to develop to the point that they can use Indian princes as puppets to facilitate prosperity for their country. If the Mughal Empire was still in control Europen encroachment would have been limited in India leading to the prosperity of both countries involve and not only European countries.
  • 1750

  • European Colonization - Emeka E.

    Between Portugal, Britain, and France, they have established 8 colonies on India This has a lasting effect on the prosperity of India. Now that the Mughal Empire is just a small state in the northwest of India it allowed Europeans to establish on India. This allows them to have direct control of the spice trade and any other trade that comes through India. This allows them to prosper faster while the states on India is left to struggle.
  • Ottoman Chesma-Larry J

    Ottoman fleet battling Russian Fleets
    Politcal: Inspired confidence in Russian military and allowed them to control Aegean Sea and also inspired rebellions within Ottoman Empire
  • Macartney mission

    In hopes to help save the East India Company and show Britain's interest in the Qing Empire, the british government sent out Lord George Macartney and staff to show interest and try to revise the trading system. This is important as it shows the demand for trading and since the Qing refused the offers, resulted in a downfall.
  • Russia

    Russia took over all northern and northeastern Eurasia under command of Catherine the Great. This lead to the growth of Russia's land and power which made it a strong force capable of expansion.
  • 1800