AP European History Timeline II

  • Jan 1, 1348

    Black Death

    Black Death
  • Period: Jan 1, 1348 to Jan 1, 1351

    Black Death

    A massive out-break of a pandemic that spreaded all over Europe. The resulting death count is 25-200 million.
  • Jan 1, 1415

    Council of Constance

    Council of Constance
  • Period: Jan 1, 1415 to Jan 1, 1417

    Council of Constance burns Hus and ends Great Schism

    The meeting was made to solve the conflict of three popes fighting for power. The concil of Constance ended with deposing all three popes and establishing only one pope
  • Jan 1, 1453

    Fall of Constantinople: end of Hundred Years' War

    Fall of Constantinople: end of Hundred Years' War
    The Hundred Years' war ends, France was greatly helped by Joan of Arc. Constantinople falls to the control of the Ottoman Empire.
  • Jan 1, 1455

    Inverntion of Printing Press

    Inverntion of Printing Press
    Johannes Gutenberg started the printing press. Soon, poems, books, and news were starting to be printed.
  • Oct 12, 1492

    Columbus encounters America: completion of the reconquista in Spain

    Columbus encounters America: completion of the reconquista in Spain
    Columbus reaches North America in his voyage, believing that he reached Asia instead. Spain was able to claim back the lands they lost from other countires.
  • Oct 31, 1517

    Luther posts 95 Theses

    Luther posts 95 Theses
    Luther posts the 95 Theses criticizing the Roman Catholic Church, especially seliing indulgences.
  • Feb 2, 1519

    Cortez conquers Aztecs

    Cortez conquers Aztecs
    Cortez invades the Aztecs winning the battle. The Aztecs were much in disadvantage due to sickness and internal civil war.
  • Nov 2, 1534

    Act of Supremacy in England creates Anglican Church

    Act of Supremacy in England creates Anglican Church
    This act declared that the King-King Henry VIII- was the new head of the Church of England. Henry VIII then created a new church- the Anglican Church
  • Jan 2, 1536

    Calvin establishes reformed faith of in Geneva

    Calvin establishes reformed faith of in Geneva
    Calvin creates a new religion that supports a close doctrine to Luther- Faith. One of the ideas in his religion was predestination, which states every living thing was predestined to be saved or doomed.
  • May 2, 1543

    Copernicus publishes Heliocentric Theory

    Copernicus publishes Heliocentric Theory
    Just before Copernicus died, he published "On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres". This suggested that the sun was in the conter of the galaxy, not the Earth.
  • Jan 2, 1545

    Council of Trent opens

    Council of Trent opens
    This council was opened in response to the Protestant Reformation. This council also changed some things how the Roman Catholic Church would run.
  • Jan 2, 1555

    Peace of Augsburg

    Peace of Augsburg
    This peace treaty ended the conflict between thr forces of Chrarles V and the Schmalkaldic League. It divided Germany into two different religious parts.
  • Defeat of Spanish Armada

    Defeat of Spanish Armada
    Spain's invasion with their armada failed against fighting against England's naval forces.The armada was forced to return to Spain in defeat and England was recognized as stronger.
  • Edict of Nantes ends French religious wars

    Edict of Nantes ends French religious wars
    Declared by Henry IV, he gave French Calvinist rights in France. This ended the conflict between the Catholic and the Calvinist.
  • Dutch East India company founded

    Dutch East India company founded
    Established when the States General of the Netherlands gave a company a monopoly over the trades in Asia. This conpany was the first multi-national company.
  • Stuart monarchy begins in England

    Stuart monarchy begins in England
    Founded by Robert II of Scotland. During their reign, Scotland was able to develop froma relatively poor to a moderate state.
  • Peace of Westphalia ends Thirty Years' War

    Peace of Westphalia ends Thirty Years' War
    This treaty ended the war between the Catholic League and the Protestant Union. This treaty left Germany totally broken and independent.
  • Charles I executed in England

    Charles I executed in England
    Charles I was beheaded with his two children watching. Cjarles I blamed himself for the punishment he recieves.
  • Newton publishes Principia Mathematica

    Newton publishes Principia Mathematica
    A very famous mathematics publishing that explained motion. He also developed Calculus through this.
  • Glorious Revolution

    Glorious Revolution
  • Period: to

    Gloriuos Revolution:Peter the Great's reign begins in Russia

    The Glorious Revolution was a conflict between the King and Parliament of England. The revolution ended with James II being overthrown. Peter the Great begins to develop Russia to culture and technology Europe has
  • Bank of England founded

    Bank of England founded
    Established as a governmental banker. The second oldest cental bank in the world.
  • Peace of Utrecht; death of Louis XIV

    Peace of Utrecht; death of Louis XIV
  • Period: to

    Peace of Utrecht; death of Louis XIV

    Signed with representatives from the War of Spanish Succesion. This treaty marked the end of French ambition of wars.
  • War of Ausrian Successions begins

    War of Ausrian Successions begins
    This war is over whether Maria Theresa should succeed to the House of Habsburg. This war ened with Peace of Utrecht.
  • Treaty of Paris ends Seven Years' War

    Treaty of Paris ends Seven Years' War
    Signed that ended the Seven Years' War that left England in victory. Britain was able to gain much land from the treaty.
  • American Revolution; Smith publishes "Wealth of Nations"

    American Revolution; Smith publishes "Wealth of Nations"
    The American Revolutionary War began when the American colonies declared independence from Great Britain. America became independent on July 4 1776 with the declaration of independence. Smith publishes "Wealth of Nations" to suggest ways a country can economically improve.
  • French Revolution

    French Revolution
    The revolution started after bad treatment of the citizens, such as extremely high texes. The war ende with an execution of the king and the French monarchy abolished.
  • Wollstonecraft begins feminist movement with Vindication of Rights of Women

    Wollstonecraft begins feminist movement with Vindication of Rights of Women
    Wollstonecraft supported women's political equality since they also play an important role in life.
  • Napoleon comes to power in France

    Napoleon comes to power in France
    Napoleon was first crowned with the french poeple. He was freindly with the Catholic Church.He led France through Napoleonic Wars, which he was very successful until the end.
  • Abdiction of Napoleon; Congress of Vienna

    Abdiction of Napoleon; Congress of Vienna
    Napoleon was abdicated by his son. The Congress of Vienna was established to keep peace in Europe by settling the French conflicts
  • Revolution in France; Belgian and Greek independence

    Revolution in France; Belgian and Greek independence
  • Period: to

    Revolution in France;Belgian and Greek independence

    The revolution in France takes place. Belgium and Greece breaks away and beomes independent.
  • Revolutions of 1848; Marx and Egels publish "Communist Manife"

    Revolutions of 1848; Marx and Egels publish "Communist Manife"
    The Revolutions of 1848 were a series of revolutions throughout Europe. Some of the countrues that were in revolution were France, Germany, and Austria.
  • Crystal Palace Exhibition in Britain.

    Crystal Palace Exhibition in Britain.
    A building tha was use to display the latest technology in England. It was destroyed in 1936 by a fire.
  • Britain establishes direct rule of India

    Britain establishes direct rule of India
    Great Britain begins to take control over regions of India. Much of the area controlled also had laws implied.
  • Darwin publishes "Origin of the Species"

    Darwin publishes "Origin of the Species"
    This publication showed the evolutionary theory of life. The idea that life came from other pre-existing life.
  • Italy unified; Rissia sefs emancipied

    Italy unified; Rissia sefs emancipied
    Italy begins to unite when smaller states merging together due to the Congress of Vienna. Writers, such as Baccocio, showed opposition to foreign rule.
  • Berlin Conference over Imperialism in Africa

    Berlin Conference over Imperialism in Africa
  • Unification of Germany; Paris Commune and Third Republic

    Unification of Germany; Paris Commune and Third Republic
    Formally recognized to unnite as one country in the Palace of Versialles. Willelm of Prussia was the emporer of Germany.
  • Period: to

    Berlin Conference over imperialism in Africa

    This conference discussed the imperialism Germany showed in Africa. The conference ended with the General Act of the Berlin Conference, which removed Africa's autonomy.
  • Freud publishes "Interpretations of Dreams"

    Freud publishes "Interpretations of Dreams"
    This book introduces Freud's theory of dreams, which later becomes known as Oedipus complex.
  • Einstein publushes relativity theory; Revolution of 1905 in Russia

    Einstein publushes relativity theory; Revolution of 1905 in Russia
    Einstein proposes a physics theory relating space and time. The revolution of 1905 was a series of political and social conflict that eventually ended with the establishment of a constitutional monarchy
  • World War I begins

    World War I begins
    The war started when Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria was assasinated. The war ended with the allied power winning.
  • Bolshevik Revolution in Russia in 1917

    Bolshevik Revolution in Russia in 1917
    One of the revolutions in the Russian Revolution. Also known as October Revolution, this revolution overthrew the Tsarist autocracy and establish a new government.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    This treaty ended the conflict netween the Allied Power and Germany. This treaty punished Germany for instigating the World War.
  • Fascists and Mussolini come to power in Italy

    Fascists and Mussolini come to power in Italy
    Mussolini first ruled Italy as a Prime Minister, but soon he shaped the government so it's a dictatorship.
  • Great Depression begins

    Great Depression begins
    The longest and deepest economic depression in the world. Caused by a stock-market crash, as many items lost it's price
  • Hitler comes to power in Germany

    Hitler comes to power in Germany
    Rose to power by attacking the Treaty of Versialles and other political setup, such as communism.
  • Munich Conference-height of appeasement

    Munich Conference-height of appeasement
    This was a settlement for Germany to annex a portion of Czechoslovakia. This was an attempt to appease Germany at that time.
  • World War II begins

    World War II begins
    This war started when Germany invaded Poland. Later, the USSR and USA joined the Allies with Great Britain to fight against the Axis.
  • World War II ends; United Nations founded

    World War II ends; United Nations founded
    After a failed last stand, Germany surrendered to the Allies. After the war, the United Nations was formed, with USA and Britain as one of the members.
  • NATO formed

    NATO formed
    A millitary alliance based on North Atlantic Treaty. Many military operations took place throught this supranational oraganization
  • European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) formed

    European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) formed
    A suprantional organization intened to unify Europe after World War II. The goal was to create a common trade so that conflict would be neutralise.
  • Stalin dies

    Stalin dies
    Stalin dies of a stroke in his bedroom. First diagnosed on March 1, 1953, but then died five days later.
  • Khrushchev's de-Stalinazaion speech;Hungary Revolt

    Khrushchev's de-Stalinazaion speech;Hungary Revolt
    Khrushchev intened to remove the key things that helped Stalin stay in power after his death. Hungarians revolt against the Soviet-policies imposed on them at this time also
  • Treaty of Rome creates Europan Economic Community_EEC); Sputnik launched

    Treaty of Rome creates Europan Economic Community_EEC); Sputnik launched
    Signed between Belgium, France, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and West Germany. This established an organization that boosted the economy by sharing goods and trades.
  • Fifth Republic i France under DeGuale

    Fifth Republic i France under DeGuale
    DeGualle created a new government during a crisis in France. He and his supportes proposed a new government and it was signed, moving France from a fourth to the fifth republic
  • Berlin Wall erected

    Berlin Wall erected
    The wall was placed to seperate East and West Germany. This wall prevented many emigration from both sides
  • Second Vatican Council begins

    Second Vatican Council begins
    This council discussed the Catholic Church and the World. This council renewed the doctrines of the Catholic Church to meet the modern world during that time.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    In response to US presence in USSR's territory, the Soviet Union setted up missiles in Cuba, threatening the USA. However, through negotiations, the USSR ceased the threat.
  • Student Revolts; Czech "Prague Spring" Revolt

    Student Revolts; Czech "Prague Spring" Revolt
    Began when Alexander Dubcek was elected as secretary of a party. He attempted to liberalize the Czech citizens to have more rights.
  • Helsinki Accords-height of detente

    Helsinki Accords-height of detente
    These were acts that tried to imprve the relations between the West and the Communist Bloc.
  • John Paul II elected Pope

    John Paul II elected Pope
    Served the second-longest terms. He helped end communism in Europe and improve relation with the other branches of Christianity.
  • Siviet Union invades Afghanistan; Thatcher elected Prime minister in Britain

    Siviet Union invades Afghanistan; Thatcher elected Prime minister in Britain
    The Soviet intervenes to support the communist Afghan government against the Muslim against communism. Thatcher becomes prime minister of Britain and tries to help Britain but wasn't effective.
  • Solidarity found in Poland

    Solidarity found in Poland
    A polish trade union that helped greatly to abolish communism in Poland. This union led many strikes and protests.
  • Gorbachev comes to power in Soviet Union

    Gorbachev comes to power in Soviet Union
    At first served as secretary of the communist party, and the rose to president of the Soviet Union. He sought to reduce tension between the Soviet Union and the West.
  • Berlin Wall falls and collapse of communism

    Berlin Wall falls and collapse of communism
    The Berlin Wall was demolished and the West and East Germany was able to unite.
  • Break-Up of Soviet Union; Balkan conflicts begin in former Yugoslavia

    Break-Up of Soviet Union; Balkan conflicts begin in former Yugoslavia
    The last Soviet president, Gorbachev, resigned his office and gives the authority to Russian President Boris Yeltsin. As the USSR dissoluted, the Cold War also ended.
  • Maastricht Treaty creates European Union(EU)

    Maastricht Treaty creates European Union(EU)
    Formally signed to unify Europe further. One of the changes were usage of the same currency.
  • Euro currency introduced

    Euro currency introduced
    The states inside the EU are now using the Euro currency. Much of the countries' debt can now be stabalized.
  • Terrorist attacks on United States

    Terrorist attacks on United States
    A series of four attacks on USA by the Islaic Terrorist group. These attacks consist of hijacking a plane and flying it into landmarks. At least $10 billion was damaged.