AP Euro

  • Nov 20, 1320

    (Renaissance) Europeans used clocks

    They learned how to quantify time by use of the mechanical clock meaning bells
  • Nov 20, 1350

    (The Age of Exploration) The invention of cannon

    this was an iron or bronze gun that shot iron or stone balls this allowed ships to batter down fortresses
  • Nov 19, 1356

    (reformation) The golden bull

    gave each of the electors virtual sovereignty
  • Nov 18, 1420

    (Renaissance) Flow of balkan slaves to the eastern Mediterranean

    Italians brought many white slaves to europe by way of the mediterranean
  • Nov 19, 1422

    (Reformation) Charles VII revives france and monarchy

    made the church subject to the state Expelled the english, recognized the royal council, strengthened royal finances, reformed the justice system, and remodeled the army
  • Nov 18, 1434

    (Renaissance) Medici family in power in florence

    aristicratic family that ruled in italy ruled the church
  • Nov 20, 1453

    (The Age of Exploration) The muslim ottoman turks under sultan mohammed II captured constantinople

    This turkish menace badly frightened europeans
  • Nov 20, 1453

    (The Age of Exploration) Black slavery originated

    the widespread need for labor, particularly in the new sugar producing settlements
  • Nov 18, 1454

    (Renaissance) invention of the movable type

    made possible the printing of a wide variety of texts
  • Nov 20, 1473

    (Scientific Revolution) Nicolaus Copernicus

    studied church law and astronomy in various european universities He came up with the copernicus hypothesis
  • Nov 19, 1477

    (Reformation) Habsburgs gave unity to much of europe

    Especially with the marriage of maximilian I of Austria and Mary of Burgundy
  • Nov 20, 1487

    (The Age of Exploration) Bartholomew rounds the tip of africa

    Storms and a threatened mutiny forced him to turn back
  • Nov 20, 1493

    (Expansion of europe in 18th century) Christopher columbus enters Libson Harbor

    Spain had begun the quest for an empire
  • Nov 18, 1494

    (Renaissance) Blance of power among the italian city states

    The divided italy became a european battleground
  • Nov 20, 1500

    (The Age of Exploration) Portugal controlled flow of gold to europe

    Diaz, da Gama, and cabral esablished trading routes to india
  • Nov 20, 1500

    (The Age of Exploration) off the tip of south america, The crown of portugal was claimed

    Cabral the proceded south and east around the cape of good hope and reached india
  • Nov 19, 1505

    (Absolutism Eastern Europe) The Prince of Moscow

    Also known as the tsar, he had emerged as a single hereditary ruler of the eastern slavs
  • Nov 18, 1508

    (Renaissance) Michelangelo paints the ceiling of sistine chapel

    stood on scafolds and painted upside down humanity and religion are touching in the painting
  • Nov 20, 1509

    (Expansion of Europe in 18th century) Alfonso de albuquerque

    appointed governor of india ny the portuguese crown
  • Nov 18, 1513

    (Renaissance) Machiavelli, the prince

    "Better to be feared than to be loved..."
  • Nov 18, 1517

    (Reformation) Martin luther "Ninety five theses on the power of indulgences"

    believes that people should not be to pay indulgences for their sins
  • Nov 20, 1518

    (The Age of Exploration) Afericans were brought to america

    this replaced indian slavery which was promoted by the missionary las casas
  • Nov 20, 1519

    (Expansion of europe in 18th century) Hernando cortez crossed from the hispaniola to mainland mexico

    within three years he had taken captive the aztec emperor Montezuma and conquered the rich aztec empire
  • Nov 18, 1523

    (Reformation) Luther translates new testament into german

    democratized religion
  • Nov 18, 1525

    (Reformation) Peasants revolt in Germany

    because of landlords seizure of vaillage land over crop failure led to these results
  • Nov 19, 1525

    (Reformation) William Tyndale

    began printing an english translation of the new testament
  • Nov 18, 1528

    (Renaissance) More wrote Utopia

    believed society, not the people needed improving
  • Nov 19, 1528

    (Renaissance) Castiglione wrote the courtier

    described the model renaissance gentleman as a man of many talents, including intellectual and artistic skills
  • Nov 20, 1531

    (Expansion of europe in 18th century) Francisco Pizarro crushed the incan empire

    the spanish later opened the potosi mines which became the richest silver mines
  • Nov 20, 1540

    (Scientific Revolution) Scientific revolution begins

    the start of new scientific thought throughout europe with important people such as galileo and copernicus
  • Nov 19, 1541

    (Reformation) John Calvin, Genevan Catechism

    believed that god selects certain people to do his work and he was selected
  • Nov 20, 1543

    (Absolutism Eastern Europe) Copernicus, The revolution of the heavenly spheres

    The church previously believed in the idea that the universe was composed of perfectly shaped spheres that contained the heavens and the other stars
  • Nov 19, 1545

    (Reformation) Pope Paul III called the Council of Trent

    An attempt to reconcile with the Protestants failed international politics hindered the theological debates
  • Nov 20, 1547

    (Expansion of europe in 18th century) Ferdandez de Oviedo's General History of the Indies

    It is a detailed eyewitness account of plants, animals, and peoples and was widely read
  • Nov 19, 1555

    (Reformation Peace of Augsburg officially recognizes Lutherism

    now a legal religion each prince was permitted to determine the religion of his territory
  • Nov 17, 1556

    (Religious Wars) The Revolt of the Netherlands

    The low country\ies split into northern and souther Netherlands with protestant rule in the north and catholic rule in the south.
  • Nov 17, 1559

    (Religious Wars) End of Spanish-French wars

    This lead to a variety of European war centering on religios and national issues
  • Nov 20, 1564

    (Scientific Revolution) Galileo was born

    galileo contributed so much to the world of science. he discovered the law of inertia
  • Nov 20, 1571

    (Scientific Revolution) Kepler was born

    kepler contributed to the scientific revolution
  • Nov 17, 1572

    (Religious Wars) The Saint Bartholomews masacre

    Calvinists were masacred at a wedding between a protestant and a calvinist
  • Nov 20, 1572

    (Scientific Revolution) Brahe

    established himself as europe's leadinf astronomer with his detailed observations of the new star
  • (Religious Wars) The Destruction of the Spanish Armada

    Does not end the war but prevented Philip III from unifying western territory
  • (Religious Wars) Henry IV's Edict of Nantes

    Saved France from further civil war by allowing Protestants to worship
  • (Absolutism Eastern Europe)The time of troubles

    The start of a period characterized by internal struggles and invasions
  • (The Age of Exploration) The baroque style starts to take shape

    developed with exceptional vigor and in catholic countries
  • (absolutism western europe) Dutch east india company formed

    cut heaily into portuguese trading in East Asia
  • (Absolutism Eastern Europe) Micheal Romanov was elected tsar

    He was elected by nobles and he re-established tsarist autocracy
  • (Religious Wars) The Bohemian phase of Thirty Years War

    A civil war in Bohemia between the catholic league and the protestant union The Bohemians fought for religious liberty from Habsburg rule
  • (Absolutism western europe) Dutch west india company founded

    traded extensively in latin america and africa
  • (Religious Wars) The Danish Phase of Thirty Years War

    This led to further Catholic Victory
  • (Absolutism Eastern Europe) Henry IV defeated the city of La Rochelle

    He reinstituted the catholic mass
  • (Religious Wars) The Swedish Phase of the Thirty Years War

    This Ended the Habsburg plan to unite Germany
  • (Scientific Revolution) the catholic church discouraged science

    protestants tended to be pro-science
  • (The Scientific Revolution) Galileo was tried by the Inquisition

    He was forced to recant his views on science
  • (Religious Wars) The French Phase of the Thirty Years War

    This ended with a destroyed Germany and an independent Netherlands
  • (enlightenment) Pierre Bayle

    A french huguenot who despised Loius XIV and found refuge in the netherlands Skepticism
  • (absolutism western europe) Execution of Charles I

    Ends English civil war
  • (The Age of Exploration) Europeans sketched a better outline of the world

    most of the information gathered during this time period was tentative and not fully understood
  • (Absolutism western Europe) The restoration of stuart kings

    This failed to solve the problems of religion and the relationship between king and parliment
  • (Absolutism western europe) War with France and England

    hurt the united provinces
  • (Absolutism western europe) The test act

    stipulated that only church of england members could vote, hold office, preach, teach, attend universities, pr assemble, but their restrictions could not be enforced
  • (Absolutism Eastern Europe) The treaty Nijmegen

    Gained control of some flemish towns and all of franche-Comte
  • (Changing Life of the People) France began setting up Christian schools to teach the catechism and prayers as well as reading and writing

    the church of england established charity schools to instruct the children of the poor
  • (Absolutism western europe) Louis revoked the Edict of Nantes

    He then destroyed Protestant churches and schools Many protestants fled the country
  • (Scientific Revolution) Newton integrated the astronomy of copernicus and kepler witht the physics of copernicus

    he formulated a set of mathematical laws to explain motion and mechanics
  • (enlightenment) The publication of newtons Principia

    tied the crucial knot betwee the scientific revolution and a new outlook on life
  • (Absolutism western europe) The bill of rights

    established the principle law that was made in parliment, that parliment had to meet at least every three years, that elections were to be free of crown interference, and the judiciary was able to be independent of the crown
  • (Enlightenment) Poland became a weak and decentralized republic with an elected king

    polands fate in he 18th century demonstrated the dangers of failing to build a strong absolute state
  • (Absolutism Eastern Europe) The Hungrian Nobility Thwarted Habsburg absolutism

    Charles VI had to restore many of their traditional privileges after rebellion led by Rakoczy
  • (Changing Life of the People) John Wesley

    he was a catalyst of the english reformation and he formed a religious groups that later became known as Methodists
  • (Expansion of europe in 18th century) great britain was formed

    it was formed by a union of england and scotland they took the lead in a great expansion in world trade
  • (Absolutism Eastern Europe) Russia defeated sweden

    Russians gained control of the baltic sea
  • (Absolutism Eastern Europe) The pragmatic sanction

    This stated that the possessions should never be divided
  • (enlightenment) Death of Louis XIV

    tied the crucial knot between the scientific revolution and a new outlook on life
  • (Changing Life of the People) prussia mad attendance at elementary schools compulsory

    other countries in the eighteenth century
  • (Enlightenment) Frederick II attempts to run away at age 18

    he was virtually imprisoned and was forced o watch his friend get beheaded
  • (enlightenment) Frederick II used the war of the Austrian succession

    It was done in hopes to expand prussia into a great power by seizing Silesia
  • (Enlightenment) Louis XV appointed a finance miniser

    decreed a 5 percent income tax on every individual regardless of social status
  • (Changing Life of the People) courtship became more extensive

    It was easier to yield the attraction of the opposite sex and fall in love
  • (enlightenment) The seven years war

    It was an attempt to regain Silesia with the help of france and russia by maria theresa
  • (Expansion of europe in 18th century) New france was defeated

    they were defeated by british forces at quebec
  • (Changing Life of the People) jean-jacques Rousseau's Emile

    called for greater love and tenderness toward children and proposed imaginative new teaching methods that also constructed rigid gender differences
  • (Changing Life of the People) Louis XV ordered the jesuits out of france in 1763 and confiscate their property

    France and spain then pressured rome to dissolve the jesuits completely
  • (Expansion of europe in 18th century) slave status was limited by law

  • (enlightenment) The pugachev uprising

    led her to reverse the trend toward reform of serfdom and give nobles absolute control of their serfs
  • (Changing Life of the People) The pope caved in and decided to dissolve the jesuits completely

    They were later revived after the french revolution
  • (Expansion of europe in 18th century) The slave trade was abolished in 1808

  • (Changing Life of the People) In austria, suspicious authorities made it illegal for parents to take children under 5 to bed with them

    they feared that the parents would roll on them and suffocate them
  • (Changing Life of the People) sexual intimacy had follwed promises of marriage

    in france this was widely viewed as part of a serious courtship
  • (Expansion of europe in 18th century) A tiny minority of english and scottish landlords held most of the land

    they rented it to tenants who hired laborers
  • (Absolutsim western europe) The dutch republic won its independence

    dutch achievements in science, art, and literature were exceptional