Andy Powers Honors World History Timeline

By Apoopy4
  • 100

    Rome 100BC (I)

    Romans built roads hundreds of miles long. This allowed for more trade, collection of taxes, and easier movement of the army.
  • 100

    Rome 100 (S)

    The father was the head of the family and the first born son had extensive power. Families in Rome inculded the wife, children, unmaried daughters, and slaves of the family. Family was more important in Rome than other societies.
  • 100

    Rome 100 (I)

    Ptolemy combined ideas that other people came up with in astronomy. His theory was that everything revolved around the Earth. People believed this theroy for many centuries.
  • 100

    Rome 100 (I)

    Romans built aqueducts out of concrete to bring water to the cities. Concrete is sill used in construction today and it gave Roman citizens.
  • 100

    Rome 100 (E)

    Romans collected taxes from all thier citizens and took a census. Rome collected monthly taxes which gave them more money.
  • 100

    Rome 100 (C)

    People in Rome gathered for entertainment at the Circus Maximus. At the arena they watched chariot races and Gladiator fights. This was one of the first civilizations to have organized entertainment for the masses.
  • 105

    China 105 (C)

    Paper was invented. This allowed for writing to be easier and everyone could learn it.
  • 200

    China 200BC (I)

    Shi-Huangdi had people build an underground tomb for him and surround him with an army made out of terra-cotta soldiers. He believed that he needed protection in the after life.
  • 200

    Rome 200BC (C)

    Rome spread thier culture by defeating the Etruscans and Carthage, and conquering parts of Greece. Many people were unhappy with the mix of Greek culture.
  • 202

    China 202 (E)

    The Chinese traded with Europe in the Han dynasty. The Chinese could now have products that they coulnd make themselves and revenue increased.
  • 204

    Egypt 2040-1786BC (C)

    Middle kingdom literature included: epic tales, poetry, and "wizdom texts". This was a time of cultural enlightenment in Egyptian society.
  • 205

    China 205BC (E)

    Paper and the printing press made literacy more available to all people. Paper reciepts were kept and book stores were made that sold reading and writing books.
  • 221

    China 221BC (P)

    Emperor Shi-Huangdih warned people of invaders and ordered the building of the great wall. The great wall kept invaders out for 3,000 miles and is now one of the wonders of the world.
  • 250

    Greece 250BC (I)

    Elucid was the founder of Geometry and developed many basic geometry rules and theories. Archimedes used these principals to have a rough estimate of the value of pi. Also he uesed simple machines to make farming and life easier.
  • 300

    China 300 (I)

    Chinese doctors used herbs, acupuncture, and a balanced diet to treat illnesses. This encouraged the study of medicine.
  • 300

    Greece 300BC (I)

    Alexandria was built with an observatory for astronomy. An astronomer named Aristarchus theorized about that distance from the sun to the Earth, and that the planets revolved around the sun.
  • 330

    Greece 330BC (E)

    Alexander the Great conquered most of what is western Europe and Asia. His conquests brought in new goods, land, and revenue for Greece. A city he founded, Alexandria, was the cetnter off all of the Helenistic world and trade.
  • 370

    Greece 370BC (S)

    A Greek philosopher named Plato invisioned the perfect society. In this society citizens would fall into a social class: Farmers and artisans, warriors, and the ruling class. His teaching had influence on many Greek citizens.
  • 400

    Rome 400 (E)

    Invaders burned and plundered Roman cities. This costed Rome a lot of money to repair and Romes economy was failing.
  • 450

    Rome 450BC (P)

    Rome organized a court system ran by the patricians that followed rules set by the plebians. This was the first court system and Rome developed a list of laws.
  • 461

    Greece 461BC (C)

    Plato used money from the Delian leauge to strengthen Athen democracy, strengthen the empire and glorify Athens. These changes made Athenian lives better and more interesting. Also this promoted a cultural and technological uprisisng.
  • 563

    China 563BC (C)

    Siddhartha Gautama, or Buddha, made the religion Buddhism. Buddhists believe in enlightenment and eternal happiness.
  • Dec 5, 600

    Greece 600BC (S)

    In Sparta, women ran the houses while the men were out at war. Women were allowed to own land and have jobs. In Athens, all men could participate in the governemnt and women taugt their daughters how to read and write if they could. These were two very different family systems in Greece.
  • Dec 5, 600

    Greece 600BC (E)

    Sparta paid high prices to have the strongest military in the world. As a result, Sparta won many military battles. However, Sparta was easily defeated by naval attacks.
  • Dec 5, 600

    Greece 600 (S)

    All Spartan men were required to be in the army however, Sparta did not promote good ecuation and literacy. Sparta did not advance culturally only enlarged their territory.
  • Dec 5, 616

    Rome 616BC (P)

    Rome was taken over and ruled by the Etruscans. The Etruscans changed Rome's culture and government.
  • Dec 5, 621

    Greece 621BC (P)

    The Greek city-state Athens developed the first democracy. This allowed for all Athenians to have a role in society and governemnt.
  • Dec 5, 650

    Rome 650BC (S)

    Rome was split into 2 social claases the Patricians and the Pebeians. The Patricians were rich and powerful and the plebians were poor.
  • Dec 5, 750

    Greece 750BC (P)

    Greece was split into city-states. Each city-state had its own government and rulers.
  • Dec 5, 750

    Greece 750BC (C)

    The poet Homer wrote epic poems about Greek heroes and battles. These stories sculped Greek religion and culture.
  • Dec 5, 753

    Rome 753BC (P)

    Rome was founded by brothers Romulus and Remus. Rome become one of the most powerful empires in the world.
  • Dec 4, 771

    China 771BC (P)

    Western nomads attacked the Zhu and killed the Zhu king. This sent China into chaos and ending the Zhu dynasty.
  • Dec 4, 1000

    China 1000BC (I)

    Chinese people dug out sides of the mountains and dug irrigation ditches by hand. This allowed them to farm more.
  • Dec 4, 1000

    China 1000BC (S)

    People worked as farmers and they lived on family-owned plots, had to pay taxes, serve in the army, and work part of each year on public projects. Peasants and farmers were high in social ranking than marchants and artisans.
  • Dec 4, 1122

    China 1122BC (C)

    during the Zhou dynast, confucious and Lao Tsu lived as philosophers. Confucious taught honor, duty and community service. Lao Tsu taught that people should live a simple life.
  • Dec 5, 1200

    Greece 1200BC (P)

    The Trojans and Mycenaeans fought in the Trojan war. This was once consieder Greek ficiton but studies have shown that the Trojan war might have been real.
  • Dec 4, 1279

    China 1279 (S)

    The Mongols took control of China and Chinese scholars ran the new government. The Chinese adopted some of the Molngolian culture but not all of it.
  • Dec 4, 1290

    Egypt 1290 (S)

    Nefertiti died and Preists became powerful. This changed Egypt's solcial classes again.
  • Dec 4, 1347

    Egypt 1347BC (P)

    Akhnaton and Nefertit promoted the worship of one king instead of Egypt's previous polytheistic religion. This promoted the idea of only worshiping one God.
  • Dec 4, 1473

    Egypt 1473BC (E)

    Queen Hatsheput Expanded Egyptian trade. Egypt was able to gain more revinue and get products from further away lands.
  • Dec 5, 1500

    Greece 1500BC (E)

    The Myceneans traded with the Minoans through by sea. Greek trading expanded and was now at sea.
  • Dec 5, 1500

    India 1500BC (C)

    Hindu religion was developed. Hindu religion was centered around the Ganges river and the belief in karma. Hinduism shaped the life and cluture of people in India.
  • Dec 5, 1500

    Inda 1500BC (S)

    Life in India was centered around religion. Harrapan cities were built with the government building and the place of worship in the same building.
  • Dec 5, 1500

    Inda 1500BC (C)

    In India, yoga, Ayurvedic medicine based on natural ingredients were invented in India. Medicine and relaxing was a big part in daily life in Inida.
  • Dec 5, 1500

    Inida 1500BC (S)

    There were not many merhants, traders, or priests in India. As a result, there were no social classes in the Indus Valley civization. The only separation in Inda was the citizens, and the rulers.
  • Dec 5, 1500

    India 1500BC (E)

    People in India didn't build new cities or grow thier current ones. As a result, the Indus Valley civilization and it's economy fell.
  • Dec 5, 1500

    India 1500BC (P)

    Nomads, or Aryans, came into the Indus valley. Civilizations grew again in IndIa mixed with culture from the Aryans.
  • India 1630BC (P)

    The Taj Mahal was built as a monument to Shah Janan's wife who died in childbrith. The Taj Mahal is now one of the wonders of the world.
  • Egpyt 1640 BC (P)

    Egypt was invaded by the Hyksos from Palistine. The Hyksos took control over Egypt.
  • Egypt 1640BC (C)

    The Hyksos invented Horse-drawn chariots and iron working. Horses allowed for faster travel and iron was stronger and lasted longer.
  • China 1700BC (S)

    Rich people lived in wood houses and poor people lived in huts. This was the first social pyramid organized by wealth.
  • India 1750BC (P)

    Natural disasters killed off most of Indus valley settlers. Also India had little government at the time and the Indus valley civilizations fell.
  • China 1766-1122BC (P)

    The Shang ruled as the first dynasty. This was a productive time for the Chinese.
  • China 1766BC (C)

    The Chinese developed a writing system and used fine metalworking. This allowed them to keep records and improved tools.
  • Mesopotamia 2500BC (E)

    Hamurabi created the first written code of laws. This set example for all civilizations to have a written list of rules.
  • Rome 10BC (C)

    Augustus ruled Rome and belived that the improvements he made to Rome came from the gods. The temples were rebuilt. Also great writers wrote books for Augustus
  • Rome 91BC (S)

    The Roman government gave citizenship to Italians living in Rome during the Social War. As a result, Rome started expanding thier empire through making more people citizens.
  • Mesopotamia 2000BC (P)

    The Babylonians invaded Sumer and took control over most of Mesopotamia. This expanded the world's first empire.
  • Greece 2000BC (I)

    The Mycenaeans settled in Greece and were surrounded by thick rock walls and surrounded the village with farms. This made Mycenaea hard to fight.
  • India 2000BC (I)

    Monsoons were common in India and floods were common. Farmers used the flood water to fertilize their crops.
  • China 618 (E)

    Chinese traders and merchants traveled on the silk road to sell silk to the West. This opened up a trade system between China and Western society.
  • Rome 180 (E)

    The Pax Romana, much like the Delian League of Athens, spread trade and increased income to Rome. This allowed for Rome to build cities and keep up thier army.
  • Egypt 2040BC (I)

    Egypt bought acres of swampland and built hudge dykes to transport water. Much like Mesopotamia this was an irrigation system.
  • Egypt 2180BC (P)

    The power of the Pharoh decline which ended the old kingdom and began the middle kingdom. This was a major change in the leadership and laws of Egypt.
  • Mesopotamia 2500BC (S)

    Many families created thier own dynasties. Chinese and European families created their own dynasties later.
  • Mesopotamia 2500BC (C)

    Sumerians spread thier ideas and beliefs through cultural diffusion. This allowed for Sumeria and other civilizations to grow thier empires.
  • Mesopotamia 2500BC (I)

    Sumerians practiced polytheism and believed the gods controlled the crops and rain. This inspred Greek and Roman religion.
  • Egypt 2500BC (I)

    Egyptians invented mumification. This allowed for bodies to be buried more sanitarily.
  • India 2500BC (I)

    Indian civizations rose in parts of Pakistan. India had many medical and technological advances.
  • India 2500BC (I)

    Harrapa build "Harrapan planned" cities with many raods, specified buildings and sewers. Cities more more santiary and organized.
  • India 2500BC (C)

    Harrapan culture developed a written language, however it was impossible to decipher. Cities were centered around religion and trade.
  • India 2500BC (C)

    People built thier cities out of oven baked bricks and developed a plumbing system. Oven baked bricks laster longer than sun dried bricks and plumbing gave people running water.
  • India 2500

    Harrapan cities were built with structures to accomodate government officials. As a result the cities were centered around the government building.
  • India 2600BC (E)

    India began trading with Mesopotamia and brought luxury goods to sumer. This opened India up to the rest of the world and thy could have goods they oouldnt make in India.
  • Egypt 2660BC (S)

    The pharoh was looked at as a king sent by god and should be woshiped as a god. This changed egypts social structure with the king at the top.
  • Egypt 2700BC (I)

    Egpytians created the 365 day calendar to predict when the flood season would come. The 365 day calendar is still used today.
  • Egypt 2700BC (E)

    Egyptians developed written numbers and subraction. They used the number system to collect taxes.
  • Mesopotamia 3000BC (P)

    Sumerians split thier part of Mesopoatmia into city-states. This layed the groundwork for many nations like Greece.
  • Mesopotamia 3000BC (S)

    Sumerians built zigurrauts to worship and priests were in charge of farmers. This allowed for the practice of religion and the first social classes.
  • Mesopotamia 3000BC (P)

    Frequent civil wars broke out between city-states. This encouraged the idea of a permanent army.
  • Mesopotamia 3000BC (E)

    Sumerians developed a system of writing called cuneiform. Cuneiform allowed people to keep records of events and transactions.
  • Mesopotamia 3000BC (C)

    Sumerians created a number system based on 60. This allowed them to divide an hour into 60 minutes and cut a circle into 360 degrees. Also they used basic geometry to build structures.
  • Mesopotamia 3000BC (E)

    Traded with people from Western Asia. This allowed Mesopotamians to have goods that they could not make.
  • Mesospotamia 3000BC

    Sumer had the first Hierarchy. The social pyramid went from Kings, Preists, Artisans/Merchants, to farmers.
  • Egypt 3000BC (S)

    Egypt developed social classes that went from Kings/queens, priests, landowners, merchants then farmers. Egypts social pyramid was more developed.
  • Egypt 3100BC (C)

    Egytians wrote hieroglyphics to keep recods. This was the first decipherable written language.
  • Egypt 3100BC (P)

    King Menes was the first Pharoh and the Capital city was Memphis. This was the fisrt capital and Menes was one of the first rulers of a nation.
  • Mesopotamia 3300BC (S)

    Sumerians settle in Mesopotamia because there is rich soil. This created the first farming civilization.
  • Mesopotamia 3300BC (I)

    The sumerians built irrigation ditches to fertilize thier crops. This encouraged better irrigation systems later.
  • Egypt 4000BC (E)

    Egyptians used sails on their boats and ships, This improved trader's ability to sail. Goods were traded faster.
  • Mesopotamia 5500BC (I)

    Early farmers used the land between the Tigris and the Euphrates rivers to grow crops. This allowed for food to be stored and regrown.