Andrea Lynn Walker Timeline

  • Birth

    New Year's Day baby. Born at 12:55am. First child born of the year in Wayne County! Weighed 5lbs 13oz. 19 3/4 inches in length.
  • First 2 Years: Psychosocial

    Started daycare at around 8 months
    Would cry everday when mom would leave
  • First 2 Years: Cognitive

    Just over 1 year old
    First words were "mama" and "pri-ee" for pretty
    Able to stack building blocks, arrange them by color
  • First 2 Years: Biosocial

    1.5 years of age
    Measured at a height of 31"
    Weighed approximately 25lbs
    Higher end of precentile chart
    Beginning to walk
  • Play Years: Biosocial

    Approximately 2.5 years old
    Beginning ballet and swimming
    Drawing shapes, people and animals
    Right hand appears most dominant
  • Play Years: Biosocial

    4 years old
    Height 39" tall
    Weight 34lbs
    Average-high end of precentile chart
  • Play Years: Cognitive

    Would watch parents bowl and would mimic this action using peas on my grandmother's kitchen table.
    Was able to throw a real bowling ball for the first time.
    Singing all with songs on tv, radio, movies, etc.
  • Play Years: Psychosocial

    Bullying other kids verbally "If you don't, I won't be your friend anymore."
    Noticing dad not around much anymore
    Dad likes beer a lot
  • Play Years: Psychosocial

    My sister Adrienne was born.
    Learning to accept a new addition to the family.
    Jealous of the attention she received.
  • Play Years: Psychosocial

    6 years old
    Developing attachment to specific teachers/caregivers
    In daycare before and after school, not much home time
    Developing friendships; make a best friend, Andrea
  • The Play Years: Psychosocial

    Parents Divorce and visitation begins
  • The School Years: Biosocial

    Age 9
    Height 60"
    Weight 90lbs
    Very muscular for my age
    Advancing in ballet/tap
    Beginning gymnastics
    Developing asthma
    Signs of hyperactivity
    Have to start wearing glasses for near-sightedness
    Dealing with puberty
  • The School Years: Cognitive

    11 years old
    Able to perform in multiple recitals and competitions through memorization of routines
  • The School Years: Cognitive

    11.5 years old
    Developing an interest in math; able to complete assignments quickly and accurately
    Trouble maintaining focus but able to keep up with academics
    Winning spelling bee games in school
  • The School Years: Psychosocial

    12 years old
    About to enter middle school in the fall
    Many friendships
    Visitation gets difficult between parents when dad remarries
    Dad and step-mom both alcoholics fighting a lot, felt as though I had to protect my sister from harsh language and lack of attention when visiting each weekend.
  • Adolescence: Psychosocial

    Approximately 13 years old
    First Job
    Teaching gymnastics to ages 6-11
    Interacting with students.
    Feeling of independence
    Dealing with student's parents
  • Adolescence: Biosocial

    15 years old
    Height 63" (would not grow any taller)
    Weight 100lbs
    Still very muscular
    Asthma seems to be going away, lungs full functioning even in heavy activity
  • Adolescence: Cognitive

    16 years old
    Learning to drive, get license
    Make honor roll in high school for first time
  • Adolescence: Biosocial and Psychosocial

    First body piercing, belly button
    Altering body to adjust socially with trends and peers
  • The School Years: Biosocial

    First surgery
    IV sedation required
    intermitten stomach pain caused by inlarged uterin veins; would heal after daughter's birth
  • Adolesence: Psychosocial

    17 years old
    Begin dating, kissing
    Peer influence is strong, drink at parties, stay out past curfew
    Quit gymnastics because it interfered with social life
  • Adolesence: Psychosocial

    Mom takes me to New York for spring break to buy a prom dress and see MTV studios.
  • Adolesence: Psychosocial

    Attended Senoir Prom
  • Adolescence: Biosocial and Psychosocial

    First tattoo
    Able to go without mother's approval, indepence from parental authority
  • Adolesence: Psychosocial

    I graduate from high school with a GPA of 3.4
  • Emerging Adulthood: Psychosocial

    Meet daughter's father
  • Adolescence: Cognitive and Psychosocial

    Started college.
    Madonna University
    major: Sign Language
    Learning basic sign as well as sign culture
    First schooling out of high school
    Interacting with peers in classroom of all ages
  • Emerging Adulthood: Psychosocial

    Rented first apartment.
    First feeling of independence.
    Working 3 jobs
  • Emerging Adulthood: Biosocial

    20.5 years old
    Weight 125lbs
    Very muscular
  • Emerging Adulthood: Biosocial, Cognitive, and Psychosocial

    Find out I'm pregnant
    Body beginning to change
    Learning as much as I can about pregnancy, birth and infants over next few months
  • Emerging Adulthood: Biosocial, Psychosocial

    21st Birthday
    3-4 months pregnant
    Unable to celebrate with friends, stayed home with boyfriend
    Gained 50lbs so far in pregnancy
  • Emerging Adulthood: Biosocial

    Daughter, Arianna Marie Wisniewski was born
    7lbs 12oz, 19-3/4"
    Cesearean Birth, Breech
  • Emerging Adulthood: Biosocial

    Age 25
    Tonsils and adnoids removed
    Chronic tonsilitis
    Painful experience
    2 month recovery
  • Late Adulthood: Pyschosocial

    Daughter's father and I seperate.
    Visitation begins.
  • Late Adulthood:Biosocial

    26 years old
    Weight 150lbs
    Loss of muscle mass
    Skin, hair, nails brittle due to vitamin deficiency
    Extreme triedness
  • Late Adulthood: Biosocial and Cognitive

    My grandmother passes away at 91. One of the closest people to me. Sets in a month long depression and increases anxiety.
  • Late Adulthood: Cognitive

    "live and learn"
    smarter life decisions involving school, work, relationships, health, daughter, etc
  • Late Adulthood: Biosocial

    Approximately 29.5 years old
    building muscle mass again
    vitamin supplements to maintain deficiency
    medication for proper anxiety levels
  • Late Adulthood: Biosocial

    35 years old
    Past history of women on mother's side have shown colon and bowel problems, moderate to severe. High percentage of inheriting such disorders around this age.
  • Late Adulthood: Biosocial

    89 years
    Factors: healthy, active, family females live past 80 with little to no history of disease, non-smoker, occasional alcohol, regular doctor and dental check-ups, springtime seems to be worst for me from allergies, sinus, and colds, and consistent social and academic exposure.