Ancient India

  • Ancient India Mathematical Facts3

    The Baudhayana sutras, written by ancient mathematician Baudhayana, include a system of complex mathematical calculations similar to that of the Pythagoras's theorem.
    A mathematician named Sridharacharya put forward the Quadratic equations in the 11th century. I got this from
  • Mohenjo-daro & Harappan Civilization

    The Indus Valley Civilization dates to c. 7000 BCE and grew steadily throughout the lower Gangetic Valley region southwards and northwards to Malwa. The cities of this period were larger than contemporary settlements in other countries, were situated according to cardinal points, and were built of mud bricks, often kiln-fired. I got this from
  • Chandragupta Maurya

    Chandragupta Maurya was the founder of the Maurya Empire in ancient India. He is credited with bringing together the small fragmented kingdoms of the country and combining them into a single large empire. During his reign, the Maurya Empire stretched from Bengal and Assam in the East, to Afghanistan and Balochistan in the West, to Kashmir and Nepal in the North and to the Deccan Plateau in the South. source:
  • The Aryan Invasion

    The Aryan Invasion is a theory about Indo-Aryan nomads migrating from the area of modern Iran into the Indus Valley, over-running it and becoming the dominant group. Ashoka was the third king of the Mauryan Dynasty, ruling from c. 270 B.C. until his death in 232. He was known for his cruelty early on, but also his great acts following his conversion to Buddhism after he waged a bloody war in c. 265.
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  • The Caste System

    The caste system divides Hindus into four main categories - Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas and the Shudras. Many believe that the groups originated from Brahma, the Hindu God of creation.
    At the top of the hierarchy were the Brahmins who were mainly teachers and intellectuals and are believed to have come from Brahma's head. Then came the Kshatriyas, or the warriors and rulers, supposedly from his arms. I got this from