Dsc 0214

Ancient Greece

  • 776 BCE

    The Olympics Begin

    The Olympics Begin
    A Festival for Zeus called the Olympics is created were many compete in different
  • Period: 546 BCE to 479 BCE

    The Persian War

    The coastal Greek city-states come under the control of the Persians and at 499 BC the city state of Miletus Rebels. They ask for help and Athens agrees to help. Xerxes Emperor of Persia burned Athens to the ground. on 479 B.C Spartan General fought against The Persians and the Persians were driven out of Greece
  • 500 BCE

    The Democratic System is Created

    The Democratic System is Created
    The Athenians create The Democratic System
  • 479 BCE

    The Golden Age

    The Golden Age
    The golden age of Athens Begins, which is when Athens leaves behind many cultural achievements.
  • 479 BCE

    The golden age

    The golden age
    Where the Athenians were the wealthiest and most powerful in Greece. Athenians leave behind the most cultural achievements.
  • 474 BCE

    Persian war play

    Persian war play
    Aeschylus creates a play about the Persian Wars
  • 432 BCE

    The Parthenon

    The Parthenon
    The Parthenon's construction is finished
  • 415 BCE

    Athens TRIES to Conquer

    Athens TRIES to Conquer
    Alcibiade thinks Athens should attack Sicily but the Plan fails
  • 415 BCE

    Athens TRIES to conquer

    Athens TRIES to conquer
    Alcibiades propose that the Athens conquer the island of Sicily but they failed.
  • 387 BCE


    Plato opens a school called the Academy, which lasts for 900 years
  • 387 BCE


    Plato created a school call the academy, that lasted for over 900 years.
  • 326 BCE

    STOP! wait a minut

    STOP! wait a minut
    Alexander try's to conquer western India, but then him and his army decide they've had enough.
  • 326 BCE

    STOP! Wait a minute.

    STOP! Wait a minute.
    Alexander the great and his troops try to conquer west India, but he and his troops had enough and they headed to Macedonia.
  • 323 BCE

    Death of Alexander

    Death of Alexander
    Alexander the Great died of a fever. And on this death bed he did not specify who was to be king. All he said was "To the strongest".