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Ancient Egypt

  • 130

    When does Egypt form into Rome?

    When does Egypt form into Rome?
    30 B.C. Egypt becomes a provience of Rome.The province came to serve as a major producer of grain for the empire and had a highly developed urban economy. Aegyptus was by far the wealthiest Roman province.
  • 137

    When did Cleopatra get married and to who?

    When did Cleopatra get married and to who?
    37 B.C. Cleopatra got married to Mark Atony. They were married for a bout 6 years ,and then they both killed themselves. This same year Octavian defeated Antony and Cleopatra in the sea Battle of Actium.
  • 151

    When did Clepatra become mistress of Juilus Ceaser?

    When did Clepatra become mistress of Juilus Ceaser?
    51 B.C. She bcame his mistress at around 51 B.C. Juius Ceaser was a general of the Roman army. He was in Egypt a very long time he tried to help her brother but he finnaly died. Rome finally deafted Egypt.
  • 196

    The Rosetta Stone was carved.

    The Rosetta Stone was carved.
    196 B.C. The Rosetta Stone is carved. The Rosetts Stone is made up of Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs, Demotic script, and Greek script. It is made out of granodiorite.
  • 332

    When did Alexander the Great conquer Egypt?

    When did Alexander the Great conquer Egypt?
    332 B.C. This was when Alexander the Great conquered Egypt. A lot of Greek culture speard through Egypt. They also made the city of Alexandria, with the lighthouse of Alexandria and the Great Library.
  • Jan 1, 1075

    When was the third intermedaite period?

    When was the third intermedaite period?
    1075 B.C. This was the third intermediate period. This was the time period when Ramesses the XI died ,and the ending of the New Kingdom.
  • When was the second Intermediate Period?

    When was the second Intermediate Period?
    1630 B.C. This was the second time theat Egypt feel into a period of disaray. Hyskos raiders moved into Egypt from Asia and introduce them to the chariot. Egyptians eventually kick out the Hyskos.
  • When was the first Intermediate Peroid?

    When was the first Intermediate Peroid?
    2125 B.C. This was the time of the first Intermediate Period. This was when the d=central goverment started to break down. People referred to it as the "dark period" this was the end of the old kingdom.
  • When were the great pyramids built?

    When were the great pyramids built?
    2575 B.C. The great pyraimds were at about 2575 B.C. It took about 20 years to build the pryamids with about 100,000 slave workers. Then it took 10 more years to build the stone causeway
  • When was Egypt first founded and by who?

    When was Egypt first founded and by who?
    3,100 B.C. Egypt was first founded in 3,100 B.C. by King Narmer. King Narmer was also the first one to create the first dynasty this was when they started to use hieroglyphics.