
Ancient Egypt

  • 3000 BCE

    Old kingdom

    Old kingdom
    The capital of Egypt was Nemfis.
    The first notable pharaoh of the Old Kingdom was Dyeser, of the Third Dynasty, who ordered the construction of a pyramid (the Stepped Pyramid) in the necropolis of Memphis, the present Saqqara. The most important person during Dyeser's reign was his chaty, Imhotep.
  • 1550

    New kingdom

    New kingdom
    The capital of Egypt was Tebas y Aketaton.
    With the name of New Empire is known the historical period that begins with the reunification of Egypt under Amosis I 1550 BC and ending around 1070 BC. C. with the arrival to the throne of the sovereigns of Libyan origin. It is made up of the XVIII, XIX and XX dynasties.
  • Medium kingdom

    Medium kingdom
    The capital of Egypt was Tebas.
    The Middle Kingdom, began with the reunification of Egypt under Mentuhotep II, in the middle of the XI dynasty, ending the so-called first intermediate period of Egypt.