Ancient Civilizations Spark Notes Timeline

  • 300

    Maya (Mesoamerica)

    Maya (Mesoamerica)
    Mayan society lasted from 300 to 1100 C.E.
    -Mayan society flourished in the poorly drained mesoamerican lowlands, where the tropical soil quickly lost its fertility. They built terraces to trap the silt and dramatically increased their agricultural yields.
    -The Maya constantly fought each other to capture their enemies in hand-to-hand combat. Most captives ended their lives as slaves or sacrafices to the gods.
  • Jan 1, 1000

    Assyrian Empire (Mesopotamia)

    Assyrian Empire (Mesopotamia)
    The Assyrian empire lasted from 1000 B.C.E to approximately 612 B.C.E.
    -Assyrian domination was extermely unpopular. Rulers of Assyria faced constant rebellion from all around the empire, which was too large for them to administer effectively.
    -They built a strong and intimidating army by placing their forces into standardized units and placing them under the command of officers choosen for their skill and merit, rather than birth or family connections.
  • Jan 1, 1200

    Olmec Society (Mesoamerica)

    Olmec Society (Mesoamerica)
    The Olmec civilization lasted from 1200 to 100 B.C.E.
    -Common subjects labored regularly on behalf of the Olmec elite-building drainage systems and decoration for the capitals.
    -Although it is unknown exactly what caused the fall of Olmec society, the Olmecs delibrately destroyed their capitals probably because of conflict between the "commoners" and the ruling class.
  • Jan 1, 1500

    Aryan Society (South Asia)

    Aryan Society (South Asia)
    Aryan civilization lasted from 1500 to 500 B.C.E.
    -Development and transformation of social structures was a theme of Aryan society. A strict caste system was developed, and the patriarchial society used by Aryans before they settled in agricultural societies was maintained by allowing only men to inherit property.
    -Aryans had a decisive set of religious beliefs to explain to world and the role of human beings in it.
  • Jan 1, 1550

    Egyptian New Kingdom (Africa)

    Egyptian New Kingdom (Africa)
    The Egyptian New Kingdom lasted from 1550 B.C.E. to 1070 B.C.E.
    -During the New Kingdom agricultural surpluses supported a popuation of around 4 million. Pharos didn't build pyramids like they did in the Old Kingdom, but they built many temples, palaces, and statues to advertise their authority.
    -Pharos in the New Kingdom worked to expand Egyptian authority by seizing surrounding regions that might pose a threat in the future.
  • Shang Dynasty (East Asia)

    Shang Dynasty (East Asia)
    The Shang dynasty lasted from 1766 to 1122 B.C.E.
    -The rise of the Shang dynasty was made possible through the development of technology. Bronze metallurgy helped the Shang displace the Xia dynasty.
    -As in Harrapa and Egypt, the Shang had a strong centralized rule that allowed them to produce a wall around one of their capital cities that required some 10,000 laborers working almost 20 years.
  • Xia Dynasty (East Asia)

    Xia Dynasty (East Asia)
    The Xia Dynasty lasted from 2200 to 1760 B.C.E.
    -Interaction between humans and the environment is a theme that can be applied to the Xia dynasty. This dynasty developed along the Yellow River, an unpredictable river containing powderlike soil. There was no need to try to build complex irrigation systems along the boisterous river, since there was plenty of rainfall. But they did have to dredge it to control flooding.
    -The dynasty encouraged the founding of cities.
  • Harrapa (South Asia)

    Harrapa (South Asia)
    Harrapan society lasted from approximately 2500 B.C.E. to 2000 B.C.E.
    -like Mesopotamia and Eqypt, societies in Harrrapa developed in the valley of a river, the Indus, whose water was available for the irrigation of crops. And when agricultural yields increased, the population grew.
    -It's hard to follow Harrapan society in detail because most of its physical remains are inaccessible.
  • Egyptian Old Kingdom (Africa)

    Egyptian Old Kingdom (Africa)
    The Egyptian Old Kingdom lasted from 2660 B.C.E. to approximately 2160 B.C.E.
    -This period of ancient Eqypt is when the pharos were most powerful. They built massive pyramids at Giza, the largest scholars estimate took eighty four thousand laborers.
    -During this time Egypt was constantly in conflict with Nubia, their neighbors to the North. But many Egyptian diplomats still traveled to Nubia to form political alliences and commercial relationships.
  • Sumer (Mesopotamia)

    Sumer (Mesopotamia)
    Sumerians dominated Mesopotamia from 3200 B.C.E. to approximately 2350 B.C.E.
    -This civilization is credited as the site of the first cities, and eventually unified as a city state.
    -The earliest Sumerian governments were assemblies of prominent men who made decisions on behalf of the whole community. But eventuallly individual leader upsurped the authority of these assemblies and established themselves as monarchs.