American History 1st semester review by Cody and Rachel

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    Industrial Revolution

    The rapid development of indistry brought about by the introduction of machinery. they started to use machines instead of workers.sparked the growth of cities and made the u.s and economic powerhouse.
  • Tammany Hall

    Tammany Hall
    It was a democratic campaign office. controlled deomcrate nominations,
  • Robber Barrons

    Robber Barrons
    he was a 19th centruy buisness man. one of the wealthiest men in that time. he was in the railroad trade. his name is used to call people or companys monopolys.
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    the economic, military and cultural expansion of the u.s. wanted to expand so that they coulg gain more political and millitay power.
  • Homestead Act

    Homestead Act
    The Homestead Act gave land to people willing to settle in the west. The act required the recipient to work the land for 5 years in order to keep it, but the land was free.
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    Social Darwinism

    a belief that which states that the stongest should survive. has to do wiht the white mans buren. used as an excuse to occupy parts of the world.
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    Progressive era

    A period of social activism and political reform of the main goal was the purification of govenment and the elimination of corruption. they supported pro-hibition to destroy local bosses based in saloons or bars.
  • The Sinking Of The USS Maine

    The Sinking Of The USS Maine
    The USS Maine was a US navy ship that sunk in 1898. Americans blaimed the slanish for the sinking. This event helped start the Spanish American War. Later, we found out that the ship sunk because of internal problems, not the Spanish.
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    Spanish- American war

    it was a conflict between spain and the us. the was started when an American war ship exploded in a harbour in spanish occupied Cuba. Spain was blamed for the explosion, when the ship exploded itself. the war was quick, with america getting a quick victory
  • Upton Sinclair

    Upton Sinclair
    He wrote the Jungle which was about the lives of imigrants . exposed the bad practices of the meat packing industry. it caused a meat "revolution".
  • The Gentlemens Agreement

    The Gentlemens Agreement
    An agreement between Japan and the USA. The US agreed to let Japanese immigrants in.
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    Woodrow Wilson

    he took us to world war 1. Delivered a famous war speech.
  • Teddy Roosevelt

    Teddy Roosevelt
    he was the president during ww1 and strongly suported the allied powers. He strongly supported a harsher policy against Germany. he denounced the policys of the president before him, calling them weak.
  • Franz Ferdinand

    Franz Ferdinand
    Was the heir to the Austro-Hungarian thrown.He was assinated by a group called the black hand. they were anarchest. his assasination started the war.
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    The belif that the u.s should nto get involved in any other country affairs, especially in Europe. the belief eneded when we entered world war 1
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    World Was 1

    involved the allies and the central powers. there were manny reasons for the war to start including secret alliances. the war could have been avoided.
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    The desire to have a strong military. Agressivens that involves the thoght of using millitary force.
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    Allied powers

    also called the triple entente. they were at war with the central powers. the members were The Brotish Empire, The French Republic, The Russian Empire, The United States.
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    Nationalism is a form of patriotism based upon the individuals with a nation. There are two main perspectives of nationalism, one is the primordialist perspective that describes nationalism as a reflection of the ancient and perceived evolutionary tendency of humans. the other is the modernist perspective that describes nationalism as a recent phenomenon.
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    Central powers.

    The fought against the Allied powers. they were made of The German Empire, The austro-Hungarian Empire, and the Ottoman Empire. they lost the war.
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    Journalist that wanted reform during ww1.advertised boycotss, dirty tricks, and patritism. they were a big player in the progressive era.
  • Panama Canal Opens

    Panama Canal Opens
    The Panama Canal is a man made connection between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. The United States played a big part in building the Canal, and helped Panama gain independence so they could build it there.
  • Zimmerman Note

    Zimmerman Note
    was a note from the german emporer to mexico azsking for an alliance. in the note it promised mexico would gain a sizeable portion of the usa. the telegram was decoded by brotish decoders and given to the us. president.
  • Leauge Of Nations

    Leauge Of Nations
    The League of Nations was an international government organization who helped end WW1. They created the Treaty of Versailles.
  • Treaty of Versaiiles

    Treaty of Versaiiles
    it was one of the peace treatys at the end of world war one. it ended war between the allied powers and germany. it forced germany to claim fault of the war. it forced germany to disarmn all forces and pay a heavy reperations to France. the treaty also reorganized Europe, splitting Germany into 2 parts. the Germans were ot happy with this treaty.
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    prohibition was the period in United States history in which the manufacture, sale, and transportation of intoxicating liquors was outlawed. Temperance organizers were the main backers of the 18th ammenment.
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    Teapot Dome Scandal

    It was a bribary incident during the administration of Waren G. Harding. the secretary of interior sold the Navys petrolium at Teapot Dome to private oil companys at a non competing rate. it was known as the greatest government scndal until watergate.
  • Hawley Smoot Tariff

    Hawley Smoot Tariff
    It raised U.S. tariffs on over 20,000 imported goods to record levels. It reduced American exports and imports by more than half. it was the 2nd highest tariff in U.S history.
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    Manifest Destiny

    the belif the the u.s was destined to span across the continent. people thought it was there god given duty to span acroos. politicians used it as an excuse to grow.