Amanda's Lifetime

  • Born

    I was born on January 21,1997
  • Best day of my childhood

    First time on a horse at parkville days in Parkville
  • Barney Calls

    Barney called me on my birthday and the next day I tried to call him back but accidentally dialed 911 and the police showed up at our house
  • Started high school

    Freshman year was my best year of high school

    Everything was so new and exciting
    I had motivation to succeed
  • Graduation

    Finally done with high school
    Wish I would of put in some more effort or tried harder
  • College

    Hopfully in Springfield, at Missouri State figuring out what I want to do with my life.
  • Golden birthday

    My golden birthday is my 21st birthday. I plan to have a large party ad have a really good time
  • Paying for college

    My parents will help me with undergraduate but I am on my own if I want to go to graudate school which I plan on doing
  • Adding to nursing with a specialty in opthepedics

    Have a degree in nursing and now start spcializing in orthepedics
  • Take loans for graduate school

    Hoepfully stay on the nursing track and hopefully specialize in pediactrics and bones
  • Meet my male bestfriend

    Meet my lifelong best friend who turns into a boyfriend then husband then soulmate.
  • Get married

    Meet the man of my dreams/best friend
  • Honeymoon

    Have a never enfding vacation in Hawaii or Cancun, Mexico.
  • Job search

    Find a good job at a childrens hospital preferrably childrens mercy
  • Have a kid

    I would like a boy first
    I like the named Holden from Catcher in the Rye
  • Have a another kid

    I would like a girl and I would name her Hope
  • Move to a more exciting place

    Move to Texas or the east coast like Viginia, Maryland, or Massachusetts.
  • Life at 38

    Raising kids and working
    hopefully happy
  • Kids activities

    My kids will hopefully be atletic and interested by atletics
    preferrably soccer, baseball, swimming, or whatever the like
  • Family vacation

    Take time off work traveling around the world
    Maybe tropical like Costa Rica
    or something fascinating like Itatly
  • The youngest kid turns 16

    The youngest kid gets a car and is off on her own driving
  • Feeling old turn 50

    Watching the kids grow up

    The first kid turns 20 and is in college on his own
  • Happy

    Living a happy life as my first child gets married
  • Time for myself

    My husband and I can enjoy ourelves and work without having to worry about the kids
  • Retire

    Retire and travel with my husband all over the world
  • Post- retirement

    Take up pastery lessons and have a hobby in baking deserts and fun snacks
  • Death

    I am not sure exactly when I want to die, but I do want to grow old. Just not old to the point where I am suffering.