African Kingdoms

  • 500


    The Hausa empire began in 500 and ended in 700.
    founded the city-states Biram, Daura, Katsina, Zaria, Kano, Rano, and Gobir. it was one of the most powerful empires in sub-ThSaharan Africa before the European conquest.
  • Mar 28, 600


    0 B.C-1700 AD b.The Yoruba people occupy a major part of western Africa, covering the many states of Nigeria and the neighboring states of Benin and Togo. The original 16 Yoruba kingdoms were said to have “sprung from the limbs of the palm tree brought by Oduduwa from the heavens.” Today the Yoruba is without a doubt, the largest thriving culture in all of Africa.
  • Mar 28, 1000


    The Kilwa Empire was built by Iranian Bazrangids. Kilwa was located in eastern africa. It became an independent country after Ardashir I of the Sassanid Empire conquered.
  • Mar 28, 1220

    Great Zimbabwe

    Great Zimbabwe
    The Zimbabwe empire began in 1220 and ended in 1450.

    b. The civilization of Great Zimbabwe was one of the most significant civilizations in the world during the Medieval period. Their heritage was stolen, and the best farmland and resources were also taken by ruthless British colonists.
  • Mar 28, 1230


    The Mali Empire was from 1230 to 1600
    The Mali Empire was a West African empire of the Mandinka People located in present day northern Guinea and southern Mali. The Mali Empire grew out of an area referred to by its contemporary inhabitants as Manden. The empire was originally established as a federation of Mandinka tribes called the Manden Kurufa (literally Manden Federation), but it later became an empire ruling millions of people from nearly every ethnic group in West Africa.
  • Mar 28, 1340


    he Songahi empire began in 1340 and ended in 1591
    The Songhai empire was locayed in western Africa. Its base of power was on the bend of the Niger River. It was one of the most largest Islamic empires in the world.
  • Mar 28, 1430


    The Mutapa Empire began in 1430 and ended in 1760.
    The Mutapa Empire was located in Southern Africa. The religion of the Mutapa Kingdom revolved around ritual spirits. The Mutapa Empire may not have been the equal to European empires in technology, but its craftsmen produced high quality artifacts while trade was carefully regulated with set measurements and standards to ensure fairness to all citizens.
  • Mar 28, 1440


    0 B.C-1700 AD b.The Yoruba people occupy a major part of western Africa, covering the many states of Nigeria and the neighboring states of Benin and Togo. The original 16 Yoruba kingdoms were said to have “sprung from the limbs of the palm tree brought by Oduduwa from the heavens.” Today the Yoruba is without a doubt, the largest thriving culture in all of Africa.
  • Period: to

    African Kingdoms

  • Ghana

    The Ghana Empire began in 830 to 1235.
    The Ghana Empire was located in Southeastern Africa. The empire grew rich from trans Sahara trade. in gold and salt.