African Empires

  • 3150 BCE

    Egyptian Empire

    Egyptian Empire
    In the year 30 BC, Cleopatra VII took her own life. With it the millennial history of ancient Egypt ended. Several years of famines, internal instability and the harassment of the Romans wiped out the remnants of the empire of the pharaohs.
    Two Asian peoples invaded Egypt, first the Assyrians and then the Persians. Later, in 332 BC, Alexander the Great of Macedonia (a country close to Greece) conquered Egypt. He founded the city of Alexandria at the mouth of the Nile.
  • 1171 BCE

    Ayyubid dynasty (Egypt)

    Ayyubid dynasty (Egypt)
  • 1070 BCE

    Kingdom of Kush

    Kingdom of Kush
  • 250 BCE

    Kingdom of Kerma

    Kingdom of Kerma
  • 1420

    Wattasid dynasty (Morocco)

    Wattasid dynasty (Morocco)
  • 1504

    Sultanate of Sennar

    Sultanate of Sennar
  • Senussi dynasty (Libya)

    Senussi dynasty (Libya)