Africa Classical Era Timeline

  • 1000 BCE

    Kush begins

    Kush begins
    POLITICAL-They were one of the first African kingdoms and had advanced iron working and writing derived from hieroglyphics.
  • 300 BCE

    Rise of Axum

    Rise of Axum
    POLITICAL-Axum rises in East Africa. They conquer Kush briefly around this time
  • 100

    Root Crops Introduced

    Root Crops Introduced
    ECONOMIC-Root crops are shared with Africa through trade with Southeast Asia. This expands agriculture.
  • 300

    Ethiopia adopts Christianity

    Ethiopia adopts Christianity
    CULTURAL-Ethiopia, who conquered Axum, adopts Christianity after it is introduced to them by merchants.
  • 500

    Ghana forms

    Ghana forms
    POLITICAL-Ghana, which is located in West Africa, is formed. This is the first great state in Africa.