Aerospace Engineer

By AM3173
  • Graduation

    I hope to have a GPA of 4.0 when I graduate. I also hope to have money saved up for about a year of college. I also hope that I will have been accepted into a few colleges.
  • First Day of College

    First Day of College
    I hope to be at the University of Minnesota or Iowa State for college. It would cost about $25,000 a year at either school. My parents will most likely have the first year of college paid for.
  • College Graduation

    College Graduation
    I hope to have a GPA higher than 3.6 when I graduate college. I hope that I can get a few jobs after college. I will probably go home for a while after college.
  • First Day of Work

    First Day of Work
    I might be able to work for NASA if I am lucky. I would have to be in training for about a year before it would actually be a job. When I did start working I would hopefully make about $70,000 a year.
  • Moving Day

    Moving Day
    I will probably move to Texas around 2024. I would do this because that is one of the few places where I could work. It also is a little bit cheaper to live there.
  • Master's Degree

    Master's Degree
    I will go to college and get my Master's Degree. I would do this because then you get paid more and you can get promoted.
  • Promotion

    I hope that on this day I will be promoted at my job. I would get to do more things like leading projects. I would also get a raise in my salary.
  • Retirement

    I hope to retire with enough money to move to wherever I want and have fun for the next 15 years. I will try to save a lot of money over my life to make sure I have a good retirment. I hope that I leave knowing that I did something good where I worked.