Adien Barry's Immigration Westward Expansion Timeline

By s-rpage
  • Period: to


  • Leaving Ireland

    Leaving Ireland
    I have decided to leave Ireland and move to America in hopes of getting better farm land. The land that I have now is really small and I have to pick out rocks from the dirt. I also have decided to move to the US for the homestead act.
  • Starting Work

    Starting Work
    I have finally found a job picking feathers off chikens scence I have arrived in america. I am really poor right now because I could not find a job and because this job does not pay well.
  • Train Ride

    Train Ride
    I have finally earned enough money picking feathers off chikens that I could quit my job and buy a train ticket to the west. I am really exited because I have wanted to move away from the big citys for a while now.
  • Running for the Land

    Running for the Land
    I have decided to be in the running for the land because it is the only way that I will be able to get land and I have no money to buy land. This is also the only way that I can fulfill my dream of having land in the US that I can farm.
  • Finnaly Have Land

    Finnaly Have Land
    I got land from the running for the land and it is some of the best land that I have ever seen. The soil that is on my land is really rich and it has no rocks that I have to pick out of the soil.
  • Planting Seeds

    Planting Seeds
    I have started to plant wheat on my farming land. I hope the wheat will start to bring in money to me because I am still a little poor and I need to get money so I can build my house bigger.