
A new Job

By Magy
  • Period: to

    organizing lists

    Before I packing I will make lists for better organization
  • Period: to

    studing about the new compani

    as soon as I finish study I will packing
  • packing

    Once I finish packing I will organize my farewell party
  • farewell party

    farewell party
    when I have my farewell party I will say god by for everyone
  • take a flyte

    take a flyte
  • call to report that all is well

    call to report that all is well
    as soon as I arrive at the hotel I will call to report that all is well
  • Period: to

    adapting to the new city

    until my adaptation at the city i will stay at a hotel
  • shopping in new city

    shopping in new city
    Once I´m in New York I will shop
  • start the new job

    start the new job
    After my adaptation I will start the new job