The Life Span

By mkay
  • Prenatal Development and Birth - Biosocial

    My mother and father had many concerns when they found out that my mother was pregnant with me. They feared that I would be born with birth defects or that I would deliver pre-term because I was conceived while my mother was using a UID as a form of birth control.
    Other than the concern stemming from the IUD my mother was 28 years of age and in good health during her pregnancy with me. My mother would sing to me while I was in the womb.
  • Prenatal Development and Birth - Cognitive

    My mother sang to me in the womb and read children's stories to my sister.
  • Prenatal Development and Birth - Psychosocial

    My parents were happily married and had lived in my childhood home since the year my sister was born in 1979.
  • Period: to

    Life Span Development

  • First Two Years: Psychosocial

    My brother was born a year and a half after me on October 24, 1983. My sister was in preschool by then. My mother was home with my brother and I in the first few years of our lives. My mother read us many books and continued to sing me to sleep.
  • First Two Years: Cognitive

    I was a rambunctious child. I learned to crawl and walk quickly.
  • First Two Years: Biosocial

    I had blue eyes and very curly blond hair. I was the only member of my immediate family with blond curly hair, blue eyes, and with out glasses. All other members of my family had brown hair, glasses and brown eyes. Outside of my asthma treatments I was a a healthy child with normal developments.
  • The Play Years: Cognitive

    My mother was very intent on working with us as children at home on learning our writing and reading skills. I enjoyed books very much.
  • The Play Years: Psychosocial

    My mother had an authoritarian parenting style/ authoritative. We were spanked and had soap put in our mouths. My parents were both active in our lives. We did many activities as an immediate family and with our extended family. We spent our summers camping. I had a best friend named Elaine that lived a house down from me and we were inseparable until she moved away in early elementary. I then inherited another best friend named Jason who lived down the street.
  • The Play Years: Biosocial

    I was a healthy child, although my issues with asthma continued with occasional visits to the emergency because of uncontrollable attacks. I was of normal height and weight. I began taking figure skating lessons in a group setting.
  • The School Years: Psychosocial

    I had a set group of girlfriends all through elementary. My activity interests became to change as I began to become more interested in team sports and no longer competing in figure skating competitions. My friends and I created plays that we would act out to other classes in the library.
  • The School Years: Biosocial

    My asthma problems continued but it was controlled as well as possible with breathing treatments and inhalers. I continued figure skating. I excelled in athletics in school, winning awards quite often during the field day games and races against other students.
  • The School Years: Cognitive

    My mother had all three of us children see a tutor once to twice a week in the summers. We had a brief stunt with a polish tutor. My father is 100% Polish. I won an award along with another student for writing together a choose your own adventure children’s book.
  • Adolescense: Psychosocial

    My group of friends remained the same from 7th grade throughout graduation. We had a few identity changes through the years when deciding on our clothing of choice. I had a bit of an attitude in middle school when it came to authority but that changed in high school. My parents divorced in middle school. We were unfortunate to loose a best friend our freshman year in high school. We learned the hard way we were not invincible. I had my 1st love in high school.
  • Adolescense: Psychosocial

    My issues with asthma continued but I did not need so many breathing treatments anymore. I participated and excelled in many new sports activities. I also became involved in many other scholarly activities such as school government, holding elective positions on class council, choir and school musicals for a couple of years, volunteered many hours, and began working.
  • Adolescense: Cognitive

    I was a good student but I focused more on activities than on receiving perfect grades. I won my senior year in the state level in DECA competition and received scholarship to go to college. I choose to major in Social Work.
  • Emerging Adulthood: Biosocial

    I continued to exercise on my own in college for fitness but only played a few intramural sports for fun. I struggled with my weight a bit in my college years while adjusting. I drank socially often in these years
  • Emerging Adulthood: Psychosocial

    I worked throughout college and payed for my own entire education with the help of the bit of scholarship money I received and with loans. I became friends with many of the best friends I have today and was also fortunate enough to remain close with my closest friends in high school. I fell in love in college.
  • Emerging Adulthood: Cognitive

    I changed my major after the first year of college to International Business with a minor in French. I studied abroad my junior year and lived in France for 6 months. I continued to be involved in school activities joining a social sorority and through that also getting involved in the government of organizations on campus holding numerous elective positions, including Vice President of the Honors fraternity. I graduated with honors.
  • Adulthood: Cognitive

    I began working in sales right out of college which lead to a career in hospitality catering sales and event planning. I went back to school to receive a bachelor’s degree in nursing. I continued on in school to become a Nurse Practitioner. In these years my faith as a Christian became very clear and I attented church most every weekend with my father.
  • Adulthood: Biosocial

    Physical signs of aging are beginning. A few gray hairs here and a few wrinkles there. I continued to be active exercising for fitness. I began enjoying running and ran my first half marathon in the year 2010.
  • Adulthood: Psychosocial

    I continued to grow and learn life changes with my close friends through my thirties. I fell in love twice in adulthood. I married my husband and we began our family.
  • Late Adulthood: Cognitive

    I had a long fulfilling career in medicine. As a Nurse Practitioner I specialized in Pediatrics until I retired.
  • Late Adulthood: Psychosocial

    I volunteered my time in my community and at my church. My husband and I went south for the winters. We purchased a Condo and our children would bring their families to visit us on their spring vacations. My faith as a Christian continued to develop through out my life. My husband and I raised our family on Christian beliefs. We continued to attend church most weekends until our death.
  • Late Adulthood: Biosocial

    I continued to be active into my old age. The type of exercise I did changed. I went from running to walking. I got out and did many different activities with my husband, children and grandchildren often to keep active.
  • Death and Dying

    Year of Death