History Timeline

  • 206

    Han Empire 206B.C.E.

    Han Empire 206B.C.E.
    Ethnic Chinese people who originated from the Yellow River Valley
  • 206

    Qin empire's end 206B.C.E.

    Qin empire's end
  • 220

    Han Empire's end 220C.E.

    Han Empire's end 220C.E.
    End of Han empire
  • 221

    Qin Empire 221B.C.E.

    Qin Empire 221B.C.E.
    The first Chinese empire created by Qin ruler: Shi Haungdi
  • 226

    Parthians dynaty's end 226C.E.

    Parthians dynaty's end 226C.E.
    End of Iranian ruling dynasty
  • 250

    Partian's Empire 250B.C.E.

    Partian's Empire 250B.C.E.
    Iranian ruling dynasty 250B.C.E.
  • 312

    Contantine's Christianity 312

    Contantine's Christianity 312
    The date Constantine issued edict allowing Christianity
  • 320

    Gupta Empire 320C.E.

    Gupta Empire 320C.E.
    Similar to Mauryan, powerful Indian state based
  • 323

    Hellenistic Empire 323B.C.E

    Hellenistic Empire 323B.C.E
    A time when Greek culture spread across Western Asia and northeastern Africa due to Alexander's many conquest
  • 324

    Mauryan Empire 324B.C.E.

    Mauryan Empire 324B.C.E.
    The first state to unify most of the Indian Subcontinent
  • 324

    Ashoka Buddhism 324B.C.E.

    Ashoka Buddhism 324B.C.E.
    When Indian Emperor Ashoka started promoting Buddhism
  • 500

    Roman empire's end 500A.D.

    Roman empire's end 500A.D.
    The collapse of the Roman empire
  • 550

    Gupta Empire 550C.E.

    Gupta Empire 550C.E.
    End of Gupta Empire
  • Hellenistic Empire's end 30C.E.

    Hellenistic Empire's end 30C.E.
    The end of Alexander's hellenistic Empire
  • Mauryans empire's End 184B.C.E.

    Mauryans empire's End 184B.C.E.
    End of Mauryans empire
  • Roman empire 800B.C.

    Roman empire 800B.C.
    Time when Rome was an empire, an example, Augustus Caesar