
  • 1509

    AD 1509

    AD 1509
    The Break with Rome - Henry VIII ruled England from 1509 to 1547. He belong to the Tudor family. Henry wanted to keep the tudors on the throne. However, he had no son to follow him. Catherine, the first of Henry’s six wives, had children only one of her. Children Mary, survived.
  • 1509

    AD 1509

    AD 1509
    Who was John Calvin ? Well John Calvin was born in France in 1509. He was also know for his sharp mind, Calvin studied laws, humanism, and religions in Paris. He was he was especially interested in religion.
  • 1517

    AD 1517

    AD 1517
    Many educated Europeans were influenced by renaissance humanism. They began to criticize the wealth and power of the Catholic Church. In 1517 a German monk named Martin Luther questioned the authority of the Church at first, Luther only wasted to reform the Catholic Church this is why events are called REFORMATION.
  • 1558

    AD 1558

    AD 1558
    Who was Bloody Mary ? The Church of England became know as the Anglican Church. After Henry’s death, the Anglican Church accepted some Protestant ideas, but it kept most catholic rituals. Many English Catholic wanted more. They supported Henry Catholic daughter Mary.
  • AD 1603

    AD 1603
    Most English people were pleased with Anglican Church some Protestant, however, had become Calvinists. These people became known as puritans became they wanted to purify, or cleanse, the Anglican Church of Catholic ways. Puritan groups ofthen refused to accept the authority of Anglican bishops.