The Way I've Lived,

By blaze1
  • Haley Pearl Blazekovich was born.

    I was born on September 6th, 1997. I was born in Silver Cross Hospital. I weighed 9 pounds 8 ounces. I was born at 5:54 p.m.
  • Drew Michael Blazekovich was born.

    My brother Drew Michael Blazekovich was born on May 7th, 1999. He was born in Morris is Morris Hospital.
  • I learned to ride a two weeler.

    I learned to ride my bike on July 17, 2002. My friend Addison Wilson taught me, she was about a year older than me. I learned to ride a two weeler ride on my street.
  • I went on my first Vacation.

    I went on my first vaction on July 12, 2004. I went to Indiana beach. I went to Indiana beach with my mom, my brother, my moms friend, and my moms friend's son.
  • I got my first pet.

    I got my first pet on November 18, 2004. It was a dog. He was a black lab named Hendrix. We don't have him anymore, we gavehim away because he didn't have any room to play in our small Garnder house. So we gave him to our close friend's cousin.
  • I got my cats.

    I got my 2nd and 3rd pets. They were cats. Ozzie and Lola. Ozzie's original name was Tex, and Lola's was Tasha. They were found in a box in a cornfield and taken back to the shelter to be nursed back to health. Ozzie is black with white on his chest and toes. Lola is gray with white on her chest and toes also. Ozzie is very fat. He is around 25-30 pounds. Lola is also pretty fat, but not as fat as Ozzie.
  • I moved to Diamond.

    I moved to Diamond from Gardner. I didn't want to at all, but I have made too many friends that I don't wanna go back now.
  • I went to North Carolina.

    I went to North Carolina. I went with my Gram and Papa and my brother. We were there for seven days and gone for 10, because of the drving.
  • My first day at Coal City schools.

    I went to Coal City schools for the first day, I made no friends until about a week after school. I have all the friends I want now. Althogh a lot of people don't like me, I don't really care, because I am who I am, and I don't care what they think about me.
  • My first day in Middle School.

    I was so worried about it. I didn't know what to think. It came out to be that I loved it here better than any other school.