
  • 7.2 Exosystem

    7.2 Exosystem
    Before I was born, my mom was an art major at a college in Korea. Upon graduation, however, she did not see the benefits of having gone through an education in the art field. Therefore, I was always discouraged from taking art as a field of study seriously. I am now in the pre-law program as a communication major--far from art, although I do enjoy photography.
  • 1.1 Birth

  • 4.2 First Word

    My first word was "ummah," Korean for "mom." This word is a nominal one, considering that it labels a person. When we talk about first words in my family, we always said that ummah is usually before ahppah (dad), not only becuase of its frequent use, but also because it is easy to say. Surprisingly, the textbook doesn't address this.
  • 1.2 Theories

    1.2 Theories
    Brofenbrenner might interpret the birth of my brother, Raymond, through his conextual and ecological systems theories. First, he suggests, elements of the environment interact to shape the development of a child. With Raymond's birth, my parents began to teach me to be responsible for him. Second, Brofenbrenner states that the child influences the environment. I'm sure the days I was craving attention from my parents made it more difficult to focus on my brother.
  • 5.1- Kohlberg's & Gender

    I think Parker is a little younger than three years old. She answers that she is a girl the second time she is asked whether she is a girl or a boy. She is still confused as to what gender some people are. The majority of the confusion comes from her peers. I think this shows that she has not aquired gender constancy. Younger kids have not been socialized yet, so may act in more ambiguous ways, thus confusing Parker.
  • 7.1 Parental Strageties

    7.1 Parental Strageties
    Ever since I was very young, my mom would set schedules for me. It would first be an activity, "Let's play your daily schedule and you can draw in pictures to make the pie chart pretty!" But later, it became a took of efficacy. My mom was able to control my behaviors by planning with me how I should spend my time.
  • 4.1 Memory

    My earliest memory is of my brother's 1st birthday party. In Korean culture the 1st birthday has the biggest celebration. All family and friends come, the family dresses up in Korean traditional outfits, photographers are hired, and food is catered. I think the theory that before children can talk about past events, they need to have a reasonable understanding of the self as a psychological entity fits best. I played the role of the "big sister host" that day and remember it because of my dutie
  • 6.1- Self-conscious Emotions

    When my younger brother was old enough to play, I got sick of him playing with my things. So I used to snatch my toy back and when he cried, I would feel guilty so I would comfort him. My mom would see me comforting my brother when she came into the room and wouldn't blame me. I used guilt as an adaptive function to get out of trouble.
  • 8.2- School Transitions

    8.2- School Transitions
    I remember being stressed the day before the first day of preschool because I did not know English or any of the games that American children played. I remember asking my mom how to play their games and what I should say when I meet someone. Having attended preschool, however, the transition into kindergarten was much easier. I had the "entry-level skills" that the book talks about which made it much easier to make friends and play during recess.
  • 8.1- Children and Television

    In order to keep a lot of exposure to Korean, my mom put on a lot of Korean "Seseme Street"-type videos for me to watch. I remember it being more difficult to pay attention to the Korean portions of the video while the learning English part was more enjoyable. This is probably because I had performance goals (not eager to stretch myself to learn) and, as the text says, I actively directed my attn. to portions I readily understand.
  • 5.2 Encouraging Gender Schemas

    5.2 Encouraging Gender Schemas
    In Kindergarden, when learning the ABCs, our teacher would split us into groups to race and see which group can recite the ABCs faster. The most common competition was boys vs. girls. This was done constantly throughout the unit, while 5 year olds vs. 6 year olds and Ms. Martin's class vs. Ms. Brown's class was done less frequently.
  • 6.3 - Foreclosure

    In terms of religion, I related most to the identity status of foreclosure for most of my life. I was born into a Christian family, so there was no question about me going to church with my parents and starting to build my foundation in the religion.
  • 7.4 Friendships

    7.4 Friendships
    The text suggests that 4th grade is the most unstable time for friendships. It states that friendships can change even within a few weeks. I see that in my own childhood. Around 4th grade, I once named Clara my best friend. I found, however, that she would tell Ann everything I was telling her and gossiping. So we weren't friends anymore. In 4th grade, our friendships weren't very deep at all.
  • 6.2- Self control

    Around this time, I LOVED strawberry pies from Marie Callender's. My parents bought some and had it out so we could eat it, but I was very sleepy. I chose to sleep and eat the pie later. This is an example of delay of gratification and lack of delay. I delayed eating the pie, but could not delay my sleep.
  • 7.3 Crowds and Cliques

    7.3 Crowds and Cliques
    In 6th grade, I was part of the "Korean crowd". There was a huge Korean population at our school, and we were known to be really good at one thing and really bad at others. For example, a straight A student who couldn't swing a bat. Like the text suggests, the members of my crowd made up the members of my clique. At first the clique was huge, but as we grew older it became smaller; and the number of friends I keep close has reduced drastically, as Kiesner et all has said.
  • 3.3 Imaginary Audience

    3.3 Imaginary Audience
    When I was sixteen, I took out my mom's car for the very first time alone. I knew I wasn't legally allowed to, but she agreed to let me pick up my younger brother from practice because she was sick. I thought everyone on the road was starring at me because this young girl was driving a Lexus around town. At first I was scared that someone would report me and I would get pulled over. But after a while, I actually wanted people to see me!
  • 1.3 Methods

    First, in choosing my research question, I will choose one that will not require my participant to understand what I am saying. For example, I could choose to do research on the affect of various colored walls on the academic performance of children. Second, since my identity as an adult researcher may affect my data, I will try to prevent my presence from being detected. In the situation above, I can ask the teacher to record data or I can record it electronically via video camera.
  • 2.2 Active Gene Environment Correlation

    2.2 Active Gene Environment Correlation
    In junior high and high school most of my friends were Korean, as I am.
  • 2.3 Evocative Gene Environment Correlation

    As a child who enjoyed reading, my parents had to buy me many books and take me to the library often.
  • 2.1 Passive Gene Environment Correlation

    My dad was a drummer and my parents raised both my brother and I to experiment with various musical instruments as well as vocals.
  • 3.2 Concrete Magnetism

    Magnets have a north and south pole. North and south are opposite from each other. Each pole attracts the opposite. Then, what does the north pole of a magnet attract? What about the south pole of a magnet?
  • 3.1 Preoperational Magnetism

    3.1 Preoperational Magnetism
    Pretend that the blue magnet here and the red magnet there like each other. Since they like each other, they want to be close to each other. So they stick to each other. But the blue magnet doesn't like other blue magnets. So it keeps them far away. The red magnet doesn't like other red magnets either, so it also keeps them from sticking to itself.
  • 6.4 Achieved

    I am now in a state of achievement in regards to religion. Throughout high school and college, I was exposed to a lot of literature on various religions and different ideas that stem from them. I can now say that I have explored various religions, and have still remained committed to Christianity.