Guerra, Salbato

By asaylor
  • louisiana purchase

    louisiana purchase
    France and Britain were caught in a war and the us always got in the middle of it.
  • canadian border

    canadian border
    Most of the war was fought on the Canadian border
  • stealing of americas ships

    stealing of americas ships
    Britain was stealing more than twice the ships than France and they were forcing american sailors in the British naval army.
  • the north west territory

       the north west territory
    Britain conquered detroit
  • battle of lake erie

    battle of lake erie
    captain officer perry intercepted the british at lake erie they defeated the british and recaptured the northwest territory
  • setting fire of the capitol

    setting fire of the capitol
    After being defeated at lake erie the british set fire to the nations capitol
  • The battle at baltimore

    The battle at baltimore
    the british army and left washington to go to baltimore
  • Francis Scott Key

    Francis Scott Key
    Francis Scott key was a prisoner on the british ship
  • peace treaty

    peace treaty
    the last battle of the war was fought after the peace treaty was signed
  • andrew jackson

    andrew jackson
    andrew jackson comnaded the us american troops in the battle and was succesful over the british