

By SkuKaBu
  • African Honeybee in U.S. - Deviance

    African Honeybee in U.S. - Deviance
    The African Honeybee made it's way to the United States, which is an aggressive honey bee that escaped from Brazil in 1957. They have a deviant behaviorcompared to our honey bee and were accidentally brought to the town of Hidalgo, Texas. This was a deviant action, even though accidental, and has caused different problems since.
  • Birth - Stage of Socialization

    Birth - Stage of Socialization
    I was born on March 10, 1991. I spent my birth or childhood with them. They taught me everything that I needed to know. I was carefree and learned many new things, like I did not like carrots, but loved apples. I learned to eat new foods and what was right from wrong. I learned how to walk and communicate over the next 12 years. I also began to take on new responsibilities.
  • First McDonald's Opens in China - Cultural Integration

    First McDonald's Opens in China - Cultural Integration
    McDonald's, an American Company decided to open up shop in China and cause Cultural Integration to occur. While Chinese still have their own foods and ways of life, they have accepted certain elements of the American culture, through the McD's hamburger.
  • Y2K Scare - Industrial

    Y2K Scare - Industrial
    The Y2K scare started all the way back in 1985 and was brought up again in 1995 befor the scare was to take place in 2000. Because the United States is such an Industrial Nation, they believed that the practice of using two-digit dates for convenience long predated computers and that abbreviated dates would pose a problem for humans becuase they would be different than in previous years. This turned out to be a scare because nothing happened, everyone thought that the Industries would fail.
  • School - Social Institution

    School - Social Institution
    I started Kindergarden and went to school at Powderhorm Elementry through 2nd grade, which is one of the five social institutions put in place that is supposed to help teach me the five basic needs of individuals. It I would have failed to go to school to be educated, then I would not have learned some of the basic needs.
  • William MacArthur "Billy" Mackenzie - Suicide

    William MacArthur "Billy" Mackenzie - Suicide
    Billy Mackenzie, a famous Scottish singer, notable for his powerful voice and vast vocal range, commited suicide, by drug overdose in 1997. He was part of the group The Associates, which he joined in 1979.
  • Introduction to Church - Agent of Socializtion

    Introduction to Church  - Agent of Socializtion
    At the beginning of my first grade year I starte in with the Catholic Church and I have been in the Church ever since then. They taught me norms and values of the the Church and the religous way of life.
  • Columbine - Crime

    Columbine - Crime
    When I was finishing my second grade year, the Columbine Shooting took place and it would change my view of school and securtiy at school forever. It was an act of crime against people, which not only affected the 12 people that they killed and themselves, but it would have lasting affects on our community and the world.
  • Women's Soccer wins World Cup - Equality

    Women's Soccer wins World Cup - Equality
    The coach was not even going to give her the chance to kick, because statistically speaking, she was not good enough, but she proved that equality is needed and that she was just as capable of making the shot as anyone else. Through her hard work and her amazing kick, she made the U.S. appear strong on the Soccer radar.
  • School Switch - Social Institution

    School Switch - Social Institution
    I now was home schooled for a year with my mom so I spent all of my time with my family and I learned in a different social instirution. Not only was I learning what a school was supposed to be teaching me, I also learned the values and norms of my household.
  • Enron - White Collar Crime

    Enron - White Collar Crime
    Enron got caught in a scandle and filed for Bankruptcy on December 2, 2001. The reason that they had to file for bankruptcy is because they had been involved in irregular accounting procedures bordering on fraud since the 1990's. This caused a big wave of effects throughtout the United States.
  • Sesame Street in Africa - Ethnocentrism

    Sesame Street in Africa - Ethnocentrism
    In September of 2002, South Africa came out with their own verrsion of Sesame Street and in it, they had an AIDS/HIV muppet, which American's evaluated through their cultural upbringing to be wrong, thinking that showing young children this was bad. The problem was they were looking at it from a health nation's standpoint and not that of an infected nation's viewpoint.
  • Adolescence Age - Stage of Socialization

    Adolescence Age - Stage of Socialization
    I turned 13 and started to take on new reponsibilities and roles in life. I was forced to grow up by my parents and all of the institurtions. I had to mature and face more peer pressures.
  • Grandma's Death and Funeral - Cultural Universals

    Grandma's Death and Funeral - Cultural Universals
    When my Grandma passed away we celebrated her life when her funeral took place. We, like every other person, had the same basic practices when it came to her precession. She has been greatly missed!
  • Work - Agent of Socialization

    Work - Agent of Socialization
    I started working at Target and have since moved on to another job. I have worked for two years of my life and my parents and the society taught me that I need to have a job in order to support myself.
  • T.J. becomes my boyfriend - Norms

    T.J. becomes my boyfriend - Norms
    Like every other student in high school, I had a boyfriend. T.J. and I are different from the norms, because we have dated for almost one year and we plan on staying together for a while, whereas most high school relationships don't mean anything and don't last very long.
  • Church/Friends/Family Shift - Personality

    Church/Friends/Family Shift - Personality
    This year I changed Churches and I also started to find and take more time with the friends that matter and am defining who I am. My family has also become a lot closer to me and I spend so much time with all of the people or at chruch. This shift was necessary because it helped me regorund my personality and find exactly who I want to be.
  • Legacy of Excellance Awards - Looking Glass Self

    Legacy of Excellance Awards - Looking Glass Self
    I was awarded two Legacy of Excellance Awards, which proves that I see and understand myself, the same way that the teachers in my high school do. I am true to who I am and I don't act differently to the teachers than I do when I am with my friends, and these awards justified that.
  • Graduation from High School - Education

    Graduation from High School - Education
    Even though Eduaction is different based upon where you live in the United States, they constantly push us higher in Education and want us to achieve more at a higher standard. On May 21st, I graduate with a higher standard education level.
  • Mission Trip - Values

    Mission Trip - Values
    This summer I am taking a mission trip to Uganda to help build a school and give hope and joy to the people who need it. I am going because of the values I have been raised with and I feel that going will make a difference and that I can help change the world through my actions. Society pushes to tell me that this is right, moral, and just.