1750-1918 Timeline

  • Period: to

    1750-1918 Historic Events Timeline

  • More efficient steam engine invented

    More efficient steam engine invented
    In 1712 Thomas Newcowmen invented an atmospheric steam engine. In 1763 and 1775 James Watt would improve the design in a big part of the Industrial Revolution. His new steam engine was portable and required 75% less coal to run than Newcowmen's development. The steam engine Watt created was used to power factories and drive machines like the steam train. It would be used in agricultural life and less manpower was required in these jobs as more and more people moved from rural areas to the city.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    Revolt against the British government from american's began in 1765 when the British Parliamnet introduced the Stamp Tax, taxing British colonies in North America. British Parliament didn't remove a tax for tea against the North American's and as a symbol of their resenment the American colonists dumped tea into the Boston Harbour. The american's chanted "no taxation without representation". It was the beginning of a challenge to British rule of North America.
  • American Revolution/War of Independence

    American Revolution/War of Independence
    The British imposed direct control of Massachusetts after the Boston Tea Party. The British military tried to take American weapons when military battles broke out between the two sides. The American reply to the state of war was to declare independence, this occured on the 4th of July 1776. The War of Independence would continue until 1783. Throughout the war, America recieved help from France, Spain and the Netherlands who all opposed Britian for political reasons.
  • USA Decleration of Independence

    USA Decleration of Independence
    North America revolted against the British government for quiet some time before the Decleration of Independence. Through the events of the Boston Tea Party and the War of Independence. These events led to the 4th of July 1776 were the United States of America declared is independence from Great Britian. The document is considered one of the most famous in the history of the USA.
  • Settlement of Australia

    Settlement of Australia
    The first fleet arrived at Sydney Cove in Port Jackson on the 26th of January 1788 after arriving in Botany Bay on the 18th. The British took the land under the concept of Terra Nullius. They believed that land without houses and fences was unowned. The fact that the British walked straight onto Australia and called it there own sparked some conflicts between the British and the Indigenous Australian's.
  • French Revolution/ Storming of Bastile

    French Revolution/ Storming of Bastile
    The French public was unhappy with the French Royal Family and aristocracy. The middle class and the lower class were beginning to revolt against the government. The Storming of Bastille is seen as the beginning of the French Revolution. On the day, a French mob would storm the prison that represented royal power. Also they would take many explosives from the prison.
  • Reign of Terror

    Reign of Terror
    The Reign of Terror would be a bloody end to the French Revolution. When the Committee of Public Safety took control of the public and inforced the Reign of Terror. The Reign of Terror was opposed against enemies of the French republic. People who were believed to be opposed to the committee would face a brutal and public death by guillotine. Throughout the Reign of Terror 16594 prisoners would die by the guillotine.
  • Textile workers demolish machinery

    Textile workers demolish machinery
    In 1812 as the Industrial revolution grew greater textile workers in factories of North England, smashed machinery. The wreckers were nicknamed Luddites, attacked the textile factory because they feared that they would lose their jobs as the machines required less workers to be run and were much more effective.
  • Edward Hargraves discovers gold in NSW

    Edward Hargraves discovers gold in NSW
    Edward Hargrave discovered gold in New South Wales, Australia near Bathurst. Over the next ten years the Australian popultion would more than double. Many people would travel to Australia in those ten years looking to find riches through gold. The discovery made by Edward Hargaraves sparked many gold rushes around Australia.
  • Indian Mutiny

    Indian Mutiny
    The British East Indian Company had expanded its control over India for years and controlled most of politics and the economy of India by the middle of the 19th century. The indians in central and northern India began revolting against the Company and this sparked an uprising against British power. The company used indians to fight the other indians in an armed battle. After these events the Company would not be in direct contrl of India, instead the British government would take control.
  • American Civil War

    American Civil War
    The American Civil War was fought between the northern states which were known as 'the Union' and the southern states known as 'the Confederacy'. Years, even decades of tension erupted in these four years with political and social reasons for the Civil War. The War lasted 4 years and by the end 620000 people were killed.
  • Thomas Edison introduces electric light system

    Thomas Edison introduces electric light system
    Although Thomas Edison did not invent the lightbulb, he is credited for much of the modern lighting system. He was able to create a more effective longer-lasting light. The lights before his improvemnet would only last for minutes where he was able to make a system that could last for hours. He was also able to make things like lights switches and electric metres to help run light systems.
  • Boer War

    Boer War
    The Boer War began when the Boer people of Transvaal revolted against Great Britian. Sir Theophilus Shepstone was responsible for the capture of the Transvaal. After the Battle of Majuba Hill the British gave the Boers self-government that was overseen by the British government.
  • Confrence in Berlin-Scramble for Africa

    Confrence in Berlin-Scramble for Africa
    In 1884 European nations met in Berlin to divide up Africa as the European nations tryed to colonise Africa. 14 nations were a part of the confrence, which led to these nations storming into Africa and taking there designated land, totally disregarding the natives. The european nations would take resources from the land and use the natives for cheap slavery as the countries looke to increase their wealth.
  • Australia's Federation

    Australia's Federation
    January 1, 1901 would mark the day, that British Parliament passed legislation allowing six Australian colonies that are know known as states to form a Fedral Governemnt. Australia would become and still is a Constitutional Monarchy. At the time Australia's government was still subject to British Law.
  • First aeroplane flight-Wright brothers

    First aeroplane flight-Wright brothers
    In1899 the Wright brothers looked into flight and designed a small biplane glider. After four years the brothers would change their design until they came to their design known as the Flyer. They made history on the 17th of December with Orville Wright taking the Flyer for a 12 second flight. Adding to success of the first manned flight was their ability to improve the Flyer, with the Flyer II making history being the first design to be flown for over five minutes, flown by Wilbur Wright.
  • Henrry Ford unveils the Model T Automoblie

    Henrry Ford unveils the Model T Automoblie
    Before 1908 automobiles were for the rich only and required a chauffer and mechanic each. Henry Ford aspired to change this and in 1908 revolutionised travel inventing the Model T. Not only was this automobile less expensive, it was also much more reliable. Along with this advancement was the beginning of production lines, something that is used in our modern society.
  • Sinking of the Titanic

    Sinking of the Titanic
    Titanic's maiden voyage began in 1912 with the steamship travelling from Southhampton to New York. It was a product of the Industrial Revolution and was the largest passenger liner ever. Off Newfoundland of Canada the Titanic struck an iceberg and sank. It was a huge suprise as the ship boasted that it was unsinkable.
  • Archuduke Franz Ferdinand is assasination

    Archuduke Franz Ferdinand is assasination
    A small nation called Bosnia was upset after being taken over by the Austria-Hungary empire. The black hand gang were Bosnian-Serbs who plotted to kill the heir to the Austrian empire, Archduke Franz Ferdinand. By fortune Ferdinands driver got lost and the 7th gang member shot and killed Ferdinand and his wife. Austria would then declare war on Serbia and this would mark the beginning of World War 1.
  • World War 1 begins

    World War 1 begins
    The allied forces (of Great Britian, America, Italy, Romania, Russia, France, America, Belgium, New Zealand and Australia) fought against Germany, the Austria-Hungary empire, Turkey and Bulgaria. When Austria declared war on Sebia it created a chain effect that would eventually involve all of these nations. At the end of the 'War to end all Wars' 10 million soldiers were killed and nearly 10 million suvillians were left dead, there was also 20 million wounded.
  • Treaty of Versailles signed

    Treaty of Versailles signed
    The Treaty of Versailles was a peace treaty that was signed after the conclusion of WW1, it was signed between the allied forces and Germany. The treaty would include the controversial clause, article 231. The treaty specified that the Germans would lose land, owe $55,000,000,000 for war damages, lose military and would lose weaponary and artillary. This would drive them into bankrupcy and leave the nation poverty struck.