1450 C.E. - 1750 C.E. History

  • Period: Nov 19, 1299 to

    Ottoman Empire

    •1453, Ottoman state became an empire. 1590, empire reached it's peak. •flourished economically due to control of major overland trade routes between Europe and Asia. Also because of their malicious founder, control of strategic link between Europe and Asia, and creation of an army that took advantage of traditional Turkish cavalry skills and new military options made possible with gunpowder and prisoners of war. http://www.ottoman-traders.com/pix/ottomanmap.jpg
  • Period: Nov 12, 1394 to Nov 12, 1460

    Henry the Nevigator

    •Portuguese Prince who promoted study of navigation, also directed voyages of exploration down western coast of Africa•Exploration helped advance study of geography & made Portugual leader in navigation among all European nations•1416 established base for exploration & later added a naval arsenal & observatory in Portugual. Also started school for the study of geography & navigation
  • Period: Nov 15, 1450 to Nov 15, 1500

    Beginning of Portugues Slave trade

    •1st of many European nations that became involved in Atlantic Slave Trade
    •Slavery was mostly domestic and were able to buy own freedom.•European plantations in New World suddenly expanded demand for slaves.
  • Period: Nov 18, 1451 to Nov 18, 1481

    Reign of Mehmed the Conqueror

    •Mehmed ascended throne in 1451 •devoted himself to strengthening the Ottoman Navy.
    •1453, Mehmed commenced the siege of Constantinople, after the Fall of Constantinople, Mehmed claimed the title of "Caesar" of Rome
    •In next 25 years, conquers large sections of the Balkans
    •Under reign of Mehmed, criminal and civil laws were codified under one body of law.
  • Period: Nov 19, 1464 to Nov 19, 1492

    Reign of Sunni Ali

    • Reigned from about 1464 to 1492 and was the first king of the Songhai Empire located in west Africa
    • Known as great military leader and also called Ali Ber
    • Conquerred many lands with his army and made them stronger.
  • Period: Nov 12, 1466 to Nov 12, 1520


    •Aztec emperor tthat reigned from 1502-1520•Captured in his own palace by Cortes, therefore starting the battle between Spaniards and Aztecs in and about the capital.•He is usually described as a weak and indecisive.

  • Period: Nov 12, 1483 to Nov 12, 1546

    Martin Luther

    •German monk, priest, and professer of theology who was an important figure of Protestant Reformation.•Strongly disagreed the claim that money could purchase the freedom from God’s punishment for sin and objected the way the indulgences were preached•Sent letter to pope in order to stop abuse and challenge preachers on a debate on the theology of indulgences. oPope saw letter as challenge to papal power. Rejected popes authority and then so began the Protestant Reformation.
  • Oct 10, 1488

    Dias Voyage Into Indian Ocean

    Dias Voyage Into Indian Ocean
    •Bartolomeu Dias was Knight of the royal court, sailing master of the man-of-war, and superintendent of the royal warehouses.
    •King John II of Portugal appointed him, 10 October 1487, to head an expedition to sail around southern tip of Africa in the hope of finding a trade route to India.
    •Europeans were then able to trade directly with India and the other parts of Asia.
  • Nov 14, 1492

    Columbian Exchange

    Columbian Exchange
    •Refers to transfer of animals, people, diseases, and plants between the New and Old world.•Domesticated livestock and major agricultural crops spread over much of Americas.•New World’s useful staple crops enriched agricultures of Europe, Asia, and Africa.
  • Nov 18, 1492

    Columbus First Voyage

    Columbus First Voyage
    •August 3rd 1492, Columbus left Palos with three ships, the Santa Maria, Niña and Pinta.•Columbus wanted to:
    1. Establish a new trade route to INDIA for spices
    2. Spread Christianity
    3. To Achieve better trade:
    •Columbus landed in New World, but kept claiming he was in India.Kept insisting he found new, shorter route through the Indian Ocean than the Portuguese had while trying to find an alternative route to India
  • Period: Nov 19, 1493 to

    Songhai Empire

    •Capital city was Gao
    • People, langage, kingdom, and empire in western Sudan in West Africa
    •Reached it’s height in 16th century
    •Stretched from Atlantic to land of Hause
    •Played Major role in Sub-Saharan trade network.
  • Period: Nov 14, 1502 to

    Safavid Empire

    •Iranian Kingdom from 1502-1722 established by Ismail Safavi, he declared Iran a Shi'ite state. •Land grants supported important cavalry, population spoke various languages, focused on land rather than sea power. Urban notables, religious scholars, and nomadic chieftains served as intermediaries between people and government.
  • Period: Nov 12, 1509 to Nov 12, 1564

    John Calvin

    •French theologian and pastor during Protestant Reformation. He challenged Catholic church and believed that God gave the gift of salvation to those he already “predestined”•Calvin published The Institutes of the Christian Religion which was a masterful synthesis of Christian teachings in 1535
  • Period: Nov 19, 1519 to Nov 19, 1521

    Spanish Conquest of Mexico

    •fleet of 11 Spanish galleons sailed along eastern gulf coast and dropped anchor just off the beach on island of San Juan de Ulua. •Under command of Hernán Cortés, vessels bore 550 Spanish soldiers and sailors, and 16 horses.•Aztecs forced into Labor
  • Period: Nov 14, 1520 to Nov 14, 1566

    Reign of Suleiman the Magnificent

    •Sultan of Ottoman Empire, also known as Suleiman Kanuni "The Lawgiver"•Commanded greatest Ottoman assault on Christian Europe•Conquered Belgrade in 1521; Expelled Knights of Hospital of St.John from island of Rhodes in 1522•Expanded empire in the Balkans and eastern Mediterranean •often looked back on his reign as golden age when the imperial system worked to perfection.
  • Period: Nov 14, 1526 to

    Mughal Empire

    •Muslim state from 1526-1857 which ruled over most of India in 16th and 17th century founded by Babur•Classic Period was with the accession of Akbar, under him India enjoyed cultural and economic progress, but also religious peace. •The Hindu Maratha Empire was a main outside force contributing to destruction of Mughal Empire•Were overthrown by British

  • Period: Nov 15, 1545 to Nov 15, 1563

    Council Of Trent

    •Council of Roman Catholic Church, one of the most important councils
    •Heart and soul of Catholic Reformation. Council issues condemnations on what it defined as Protestant heresies and Church teachings. Also formulated the ideas of Counter-Reformation.
    •Was interrupted several times because of political or religious disagreements.
    •Were three periods, in total 25 sessions
  • Period: Nov 14, 1556 to

    Reign of Akbar

    •Sultan of the Mughal Empire in India. •Established central administration of expanding state of Afghanistan.•Under reign of Akbar, India enjoyed great prosperity because of thriving trading economy based on cotton cloth and overall efficient administration. •Pursued policy of conciliation with Hindus, and expanded the empire.
  • Period: Nov 12, 1564 to

    Galileo Galilei

    •Galileo Galilei was an Italian philosopher, physicist, mathematician, and astronomer who played an important role in the Scientific Revolution.
    •1609, built a telescope that abled him to take a closer look at the “heavens” and allowed him to see things that were 30x beyond what the naked eye can see because of the magnification.•Galileo challenged the outdated view of universe, also challenged Aristotle’s concept of motion. o Discovered principle of inertia
  • Period: to

    Tokugawa Shogunate

    •New military government that lasted for almost 300 years founded by emperor Tokugawa Ieyasu
    •Tokugawa Shogunate held power during Edo period.
    •Tokugawa rose to power in 1603 after period of Warring States and political intrigue destabilized Japan
  • Period: to

    Thirty Years War

    •Series of wars fought in Centeral Europe involving most of counties of Europe
    oBohemian Revolt (1618-1621)oDanish Intervention (1625-1629)oSwedish Intervention (1630-1635)oFrench Intervention (1635-1648)
    •One of the longest and destructive conflicts in European History
    •Not accurately sure main reason for all the fighting, however initially fought largely as a religious war.
    •Ended with treaty of Osnabruck and Munster, which were art of the wider Peace of Westphalia
  • Period: to

    John Locke

    •English political leader, in which his Second Treatise of Civil Governmetn disputed disagreed to monarchial claim to absolute authority by divine right. o Argued rulers derived their authority from consent of governed and were subject to law like everyone else.
  • Period: to

    Manchu Empire

    •Established Qing Empire•Continued to use Confucian Civil Service Exam•Claimed China for their own and began a forty-year conquest of the rest of the Ming territories. •By the end of century, Manchu gained control of South China and incorporated island of Taiwan into imperial China. Conquered Mongolia and C. Asia
  • Period: to

    Qing Dynasty

    •Manchus people conquered China and named their territory name the Qing
    •Advanced Chinese institutions and philosophy to higher level than Yuan Dynasty
    •Declined after internal rebellions, decentralization, agricultural problems, and economy issues
  • Period: to

    Peter The Great

    • Russian tsar from 1689-1725•Made major changes to reduce Russia's isolation and increase wealth and power in empire.• Remembered for efforts to turn Russia away from it's Asian cultural connection• Introduced Western technologies and languages to Russian elite
  • Englands Glorious Revolution

    Englands Glorious Revolution
    •overthrow of King James II of England by a union of English Parliamentarians with the Dutch stadtholder William III of Orange-Nassau.
    •William's successful invasion of England with Dutch fleet
    •army led to his ascending of the English throne as William III of England jointly with his wife
  • Period: to

    Russian Empire

    •state that existed from 1721 until Russian Revolution of 1917.
    •Russian empire extended from East Europe (across North Asia) into parts of North America.
    •Peter The Great introduced autocracy in Russia and played a major role in introducing his country to European state system.
    •This vast land had a population of only 14 million and only a small percentage lived in towns.