
  • 1337

    the hundred year war begins

    the hundred year war begins
    the hundred year war between Britten and France and stops them form developing like the rest of the world at this time
  • 1347

    black death hits eurup

    black death hits eurup
    the black death kills 1/3 of Europe and began the colaps of fuddle system and kick started the renasonts.
  • 1440

    guten burgs printing press

    guten burgs printing press
    guten burg makes it super easy to spreed nolige and ideas to other people and places and this starts the reformation.
  • 1453

    the hundred year war ends

    the hundred year war ends
    the hundred year war ends and Britten and France can begin to rebuild and catch up to the rest of the world.
  • 1500

    Brazil is discoved

    Brazil is discoved
    Brazil is discovered and pochigle takes all of its gold and then dumps its prisoners their and leaves.
  • 1503

    the Mona Lesa

    the Mona Lesa
    the Mona Lesa is finished and is now revered as of of the best panting ever.
  • 1517

    the reformation

    the reformation
    Marten Luther wrights his 95 theses and with the printing press lest every one know the church is wrong and starts the reformation.
  • 1541

    The Last Judgement

    The Last Judgement
    the last judgement is finished in 1541 by Michelangelo in the sixteen chapel.
  • 1564

    Shakespeare is born

    Shakespeare is born
    Shakespeare is born and grows up to become one of the best playwrights in history and bacicly invents the English lagwige.
  • Galileo invents the telescope

    Galileo invents the telescope
    Galileo invents the telescope and finds prof that the earth revalues around the sun.