12R Timeline Project

  • A Day In History

    A Day In History
    My mother knows that date as the night she missed Jeopardy. Others, as the day pumpkin patches were open, leaves were falling, and Yugoslavian president Slobodan Milošević resigned. It was a time before the pumpkin spice latte, and the iPhone™. Most importantly however, this was the day a freakin' legend was born by the name of Me. A baby with endless potential and life skills few to none. Wouldn't you know it, 17 years later, that baby would end up writing this summation of October 6th, 2000.
  • Dog

    The family member pictured above is named Abby. She’s a mixed breed of dog called a Jackabee and she is ten years old. Even though I was already seven when my family got her from the pound, it’s hard to remember life without her. I believe every kid should grow up with a dog because these cute companions tie the family together and help give kids more responsibilities, and in a fun way. So many of my childhood memories have been based around my dog, I can’t even remember life without her.
  • Music

    Until I had my own MP3 Player, I would just listen to whatever was on the radio. Sometimes I can’t believe I used to listen to a lot of those songs. However, after I got my Ipod, I could listen to whatever I found and liked. Whether it was to pass the time, create a fun atmosphere, or motivate me to finish a project I've started, music has been influential. I've added some new songs and ditched a couple old ones, but it's always been my choice; and these choices reflect my personality.
  • Growing Herb

    Growing Herb
    Ever since I can remember, I've had the opposite of a green thumb. One time, I decided to take up a little bit of gardening. So I started with a potted mint plant because all they need is a little sun and water. The first week I had it, I overwatered it and it began to droop. Now I thought of a great way to fix this problem: I wouldn't water it for a while. This seems like a good idea in theory, but not when you don't water it for a year and find it dead. I learned that I do not like gardening.
  • Snow Camp

    Snow Camp
    I was raised in a family that went to church on Sunday, and yet, up until February 2014, I didn't know what it meant to be a Christian. Snow Camp changed that. While I was there, I played paintball in the snow, took a sled down a massive mountain and one kid even got a tooth knocked out. Over one weekend I reformed my own beliefs and learned what it being a Christian entailed. This was a significant moment to me because it's changed the way I have chosen to live my life so far.
  • Biking

    It was the Sunday before my birthday and I went biking with friends. Going fast was not a problem. I was racing down an expanse of winding pavement. I had always wondered what the little lip on the front of bicycle helmets was for. It doesn't even block the sun. I learned. My front wheel bucked slightly when I rolled over a dip and suddenly, the handlebars snapped to the left. That stupid lip of the helmet saved my face. It clipped the ground and I stopped 6 feet later with a broken left wrist.
  • Stage Crew

    Stage Crew
    I joined stage crew in my sophomore year and I have to say that my only regret was not joining earlier. Being a part of the crew gives you a place to go after school, something constructive to do, and friends for life. I learned a lot of practical skills in construction and painting and I discovered possibly what I want to study in college. The friends you make there are basically a family. People I met there, I never would have talked to normally and overall it's a very positive environment.
  • Track & Field

    Track & Field
    Track and Field was the first sport I did in highschool. I was a freshman and very out of shape. It was very intimidating at first, coaches were threatening to cut slackers, varsity runners were lapping everyone and I was afraid I wouldn't be able to participate. After "Hell Week", things calmed down. I still worked hard, (I had to) but the coaches weren't pushing kids to the point of breaking down. Finally, I got to train with other kids doing the same events and I broke several PR's.
  • New Kid

    New Kid
    On the first day of school in junior year, I met a new kid who was in most of my classes. We started the typical, "Hi what's your name?" dialogue except he was different, kind of weird. Unusually nice, not a word of profanity, and always smiling at everything. It was a refreshing change. He became someone I could confide in and I recently went on a week-long camping trip with him. His attitude changed the way I tried to behave and it made me realize that people don't always have to be negative.
  • Skateboarding

    Last summer, I was able to visit my Grandma for her 100th birthday After one week, I started looking for activities around the city. Online, I saw a kid in the area selling his skateboard for 10$. I bought it and found myself trying to balance in the alleyways. Lots of falling ensued. After 3 days, I could balance and try gaining speed. Another couple of days go by and I start trying tricks. Within 2 weeks, I went from never standing on the board to spinning it 180 degrees and landing on it.