Events of the Middle East

  • Period: to

    20th Century Middle East

  • Cairo Conference 1921

    Cairo Conference 1921
    The Cairo Conference was a large meeting by many different countries mostly from Europe and Asia. This Conference establsihed the Brittish colonies of Iraq and Palestine. The borders that were set mixed shia and sunni muslims within the border of Iraq. This caused a lot of violence that still remains to this day.
  • Pan-Arabism

    Pan-Arabism was the belief that all of the Arab nations should unite under one belief. This idea sparked around the time when Israel obtained its independence when the Arab nations attacked trying to force the Jews out of the Holy Land. It progressed and reached its peak during the 1960's especially during the six day war with Israel. Pan-Arabism has set the basis for many modern day Middle East governments such as Iran.
  • Creation of Israel

    Creation of Israel
    After many attempts, the Jewish people finally regianed the homeland when the Brittish left on May 14, 1948. The peace was short lived when the Arabs, from all sides, decided to attack the newly formed state. The Israelites held their ground and ended up gaining land from this war. They almost doubled their land mass. This showed that the new nation was very strong.
  • Six-Day War

    Six-Day War
    The Six-Day War was a conflict between Israel and its neighboring Arab countries which started with a surprise attack by Israel on Egypt. This short war resutled in Israel gaining more land including the Gaza Strip, the Golan Heights, the Sinai Peninsula, and the West Bank. Israel had once again defeated the Arab nations. Although the Sinai Peninsula was returned to Egypt, this was a rewarding victory for Israel.
  • The Iranian Revolution

    The Iranian Revolution
    The Iranian Revolution was the destruction of the Western Government run by the Shah of Iran. This Revolution was considered a step backwards by Western leaders. When the Shah fled the country, new Islamic Fundamentalists leaders such as Khomeini started rising and taking power. Not only in Iran but also in Eqypt this same thing was happening. The Iranian Revolution was a big mistake by the people.
  • The Camp David Accords

    The Camp David Accords
    The Camp David Accords were agreements between the Israeli Prime Minister and the Egyptian President held in the U.S. They were witnessed by President Jimmy Carter. These agreements led to the Egypt-Israel Peace Treaty signing. Although this ended war between Israel and Egypt, it didn't end the violence that was occuring all throughout the Middle East. Most of the Arab nations still wanted to seek vengeance with Israel for occupying the Holy Land.
  • The Iraqi Invasion of Kuwait

    The Iraqi Invasion of Kuwait
    Iraqi forces invaded Kuwait after Kuwait demanded that Iraq pay back the money it owed after its last big war. Iraq didn't have that kind of money so their soluiton was to invade Kuwait and occupy it for 7 months. This was a big enough problem for the United States to step in. The Iraqis were eventually forced out. This was important because it showed the kind of government that Iraq had and it set the relationship between the USA and Iraq.