12-14 Test

  • 1 CE


    The reformation can not only be seen as an extension of the renaissance but as its own individual renaissance. This movement transformed the largest church in the world, and changed the beliefs of possibly billions of humans throughout history.
  • 1436

    Printing Press

    Printing Press
    John Gutenberg invents movable-type printing press, revolutionizing the way that civilization is able to consume written literature.
  • 1472

    Great Schism is resolved

    Great Schism is resolved
    The great schism from centuries before is finally resolved, with the split between the two halves of the Catholic Church being mended.
  • Oct 18, 1512

    Luther's Degree

    Luther's Degree
    Martin Luther is awarded Doctor of Theology degree.
  • Oct 31, 1517

    95 Theses

    95 Theses
    Martin Luther posts his 95 theses, a full account of his critiques of the Catholic Church, on the door of a Church in Germany.
  • 1521


    Martin Luther is educated on the topic of indulgences, which is the act of buying oneself a way into heaven which had been professed to Catholics by the Church.
  • Jan 3, 1521

    Luther excommunicated

    Luther excommunicated
    Pope Leo X excommunicates Martin Luther for his trespasses against the Church.
  • 1525

    Anabaptism is formed

    Anabaptism is formed
    Luther's rebellion and open speaking against the church inspires a group of Europeans to form a new branch of Christianity, the Anabaptists.
  • 1542

    Council of Trent

    Council of Trent
    The Roman Catholic Church establishes the Council of Trent, a council that was in charge of the reformation and control of the policies of the Catholic Church.
  • 1543

    Swedish Bible

    Swedish Bible
    The first Swedish translation of the Bible was published, making history because of the fact that previously the Catholic Church had only allowed the Bible to be published in Latin.
  • 1563

    Council of Trent disbanded

    Council of Trent disbanded
    The Council of Trent was disbanded, and the reformation of the Church reached a halt.