Important dates in Egyptian History

  • 323


    Alexandria became the new capital. It was home to the greatest library of the ancient world
  • 331

    Alexander the Great

    Alexander the Great invades Egypt. Alexander declares himself pharoah of Egypt
  • The Romans Ruled Egypt

    At 31 B.C.E after Cleopatra and Antony committed suicide in 30 B. C. Egypt was ruled by the Romans.Egypt does not have another Egyptian ruler for 2000 years.
  • Hieroglyphics Meanings lost

    At 395 C.E. the meanings of the ancient hieroglyphics is lost. Now people cannot understand the ancient handwriting
  • Egypt Unified Once Again

    Egypt was unified once again under the rule of Metuhotep. He built an exceptional mortuary complex at Dyr al-Bahri. Now Egypt was ruled by 1 Pharoah again.
  • Egypt split again

    Egypt split into the north, ruled from Herakleopolis, and the south, ruled from Thebes. Menes unified Egypt once but now somone needed to unify it once again
  • Temple for Ra

    King Userkaf builds a temple for sun god Ra at Abusir. Egyptians came to this temple for they could practice thier religion and worship thier sun god Ra
  • The Great Pyramids

    At 2575 B.C.E the great pyramids are built. The great pyramids of Egypt were later revered as one of the seven wonders of the ancient world.
  • Egypt's Sun God Ra

    During this time there was great peace. People began worshiping thier sun god Ra. The first religious words were written on the walls of the royal tombs. Egypt's sun god Ra played a major part in Egypt's religion
  • Memphis is founded

    The capital city Memphis is founded and papyrus is invented. The hieroglyphics were now used as messages from Egyptian goveners to the pharoah in Memphis
  • First Pyramid

    At about 2950 B.C.E the first pyramid in Egypt is built. It is built for King Zoser, who was one of the kings of the 3rd dynasty. Egyptians would later build pyramids for other kings as tombs.
  • Sun - Worship in Egypt Develops

    At about 300 B.C.E floods in the nile delta increase the farmland. Because of this people start worshiping the sun. Sun worship played a important role in egyptian religion
  • Menes Unificates Upper and Lower Egypt

    At about 3119 B.C.E the king of upper egypt Menes unified upper and lower egypt into one kingdom. For this Menes becomes the first pharoah of egypt.
  • Hieroglyphics Developed

    Evidence shows at about 3200 B.C.E hieroglyphics developed. Hieroglyphics would be used as ancient egypt's writing system and is how egyptian goveners would send messages to the pharoah
  • People First Settle in the Nile Delta

    Evidence shows that at about 5000 B.C.E people started settling in the nile delta. People who lived here would later on build empires, statues. and pyramids like the Great Pyramid