The Era of Ambrose

  • Period: 303 to 410

    The Era of Ambrose

  • 311

    Last Roman Christian Persecutions

    From 303 to 311, the Roman persecution of Christians formally ended.
  • 311

    Julian the Apostate

    Julian the Apostate rises to be Roman Emperor and attempts to revive paganism in empire, but his efforts are futile.
  • 313

    Edict of Milan

    Constantine the Great formally establishes Roman toleration of Christian religion.
  • 325

    Council of Nicea

    Council called by Constantine to formalize Christian scripture as Roman Catholic doctrine and finalize the nature of Jesus Christ
  • 330

    St. Peter's Basilica

    The first Basilica of St. Peter built in Rome. Also, Constantine establishes Constantinople as a capital of Rome on the former Greek colony of Byzantanium. This will create division of Roman Catholic Religion in years to come.
  • 360

    Books versus Scrolls

    In scholarship, knowledge moves from recording on scrolls to the formalization of storing knowledge in written books.
  • 374

    Ambrose becomes Bishop of Milan

    In only eight days, Ambrose goes from a candidate for leadership to a full bishop due to popular social demand.
  • 410

    Alaric, King of Visgoths

    Alaric, the king of the Visgoths, captures and sacks Rome.
  • 410

    Alchemy begins formally

    The Philosophy of alchemy formally develops in such concepts as ''the philosopher's stone' and 'the elixir of life.'
  • 425

    Barbarians settle around Rome

    Due to Theodosius' actions forty years prior, barbarians begin to settle into Roman provinces and influence the population.
  • Ambrose Born

    Ambrose was born in what is now Tier, Germany. His widowed mother was helped by her nun sister to raise the child.
  • Hymns for worship service instituted

    Ambrose develops the use of hymn singing in church worship and even composes some hymns himself.
  • Emperor Theodosius

    Emperor Theodosius rises as Roman ruler. By the year 395, he will be the last ruler of a totally united Roman Empire. The Empire splits and never again unites under one political ruler. Church rule is established as power over the political when Ambrose excommunicates Theodosius over a massacres ordered by the Emperor.