world history b

  • steam engine

    steam engine
    James Watt was ask to modifie the steam engine form what thomas newcome has already made. He change the engine alot by kipping the cynlinder cool while it should be hot. this was important becuase it help start the idustrial revolution.
  • french revolution

    french revolution
    This started becuase the french people didnt like how they were being treated and that nobels have all the monney and they dont have any money. When they revolted they took down the weapon house the Batsill and they now controlled it. So they capture the king and queen and had them executed. Later on a man named Roshperrie started the reign of terror where alot of people died.Then Napoleone came and created the Napolean code witch deystroed fedualism
  • haitian Revolution

    haitian Revolution
    this is when slaves rose up against there masters in haiti and a man named Toussaint L'Ouverture was a leader in this revolt. he iwas smart enough to allie with french so the wouldnt die. This help realized the france wasent a super power and slave are still a threat to the world
  • Independence of Mexico

    Independence of Mexico
    Hidalgo wanted the independance for mexico. In doing so Hidalgo, him and a small group of people went and tried to attack the capitol, but he didnt succeded and later died. Jose Maria Morelos was the new leader and he beat the spainards in a bunch of wars. Mexico won its independce 1821. This is important becuase it is symbolizing that poeple can uprise a goverment and mexico earn there freedoom
  • Congrees of vienna

    Congrees of vienna
    this conference was to balance the power and still reeserve the peace of the countrey at the time. It also stood for dividing up europe defeated by Napoleon. This also allowed yout to take slaves up and down the rivers. This was imporatn becuase more countries stared slave trafficing and peol earned terroitroy in europe.
  • Opium War

    Opium War
    Opium is a drug that china didnt want to get inot its country or its people to get becuase it is bad for you. So when the british was selling it to china they were mad and commisioner Lin Tse-hsu stop it and took away the merchants opium and the britsh were mad so they went to war and then they signed the treaty of Nanjing stoping the war. This was important becuase
    it focused the chines more on work and less on getting high.
  • Communist Manifesto

    Communist Manifesto
    It is a document that was wriiten by german people.Karl Marx and Friedch Engels. This is a problem for the captailis in china and it could eventualy replace communism.This is important becuase it rises thought that communism can disapper and some like amd some dont like it.
  • Matt Perry goes to Japan

    Matt Perry goes to Japan
    When he went to japan it was a suprise becuase the japnese didnt really trade accept for the dutch. The Japenes were overwhelemed and decided to adopt there ways and trade with them. This is important becuase it symbolized the begging of trade throught countries.
  • Sepoy Munity

    Sepoy Munity
    Indian discontent with British rule erupted 1857. The sepoys, who were Indians trained by the British as soldiers, Heard that guns were being greased and they were angry. it quickly became more organized and the sepoys even took over the cities of Delhi and Kanpur. This was important becuase it realized to the britsh not to smess around and to watch who you train.
  • UNification of Germany

    UNification of Germany
    Prussia a major state in germany wanted to unify the country. but Austria didnt want to, a man named Otto Van Bismark the prime minster went to a war which was called the seven year war against austria. When Prussia won they went agaisnt french. French surrender and sign the treaty of frnfort to unfiy germany. this is importan becuase it unfied a country that had some of the first factories/companies in the world. which made it more powerful
  • Berlin confrence

    Berlin confrence
    this was when countries got together such as Italy, Netherlands Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany,and Great Britain. when the got together they cut up africa into small little terriotries roughly around 50. This was very important becuase it divided a powerful continent which had N/A and slaves which are going to be in high demand sonn.
  • Russo-Japenese War

    Russo-Japenese War
    Russia and Japan both wanted Korea which was a ver powerful island for Terriotry reasons. They went to battle at POrt Arthur in russia and the russians procceded to loose and after they fought for a second time russia was forced to sign the treaty of portsmith wich gave japan korea and some part of manchuria land. This was important becuase it grew japan as a strong power.
  • Zulu Uprising

    Zulu Uprising
    was when a zulu named bambath was taxed and officers went to collect his tax from his house and he refused. He aslo revolted and killed both officers. He fleeded with a some other poeple and later they were killed. this was important becuase it stood out to the zulu communtiy saying some needs to do something which would leads to more in the future.
  • Dr. Sun YAT-sen (BALLER) takes over CHina

    Dr. Sun YAT-sen (BALLER) takes over CHina
    He became the president of china and tried to enforce his three principles of man nationalism demcoracy and equalization. he aslo belived that the chinese shoud have poer in ther govermnet. Not what they where doing which was foreign rulers. This was very importan becuase it opened up the chinese people lives to a new kind of living