First Nations and New France

  • Aug 1, 1000

    People in Canada A.D.

    People first came into Canada from Asia, on the land bridge; (Bering Straight) it was 1000 k.m. wide. People were able to walk across because all of the water that would have been covering the bridge was on North America in the form of snow and ice. (ice age was going down around then)
  • Aug 1, 1000

    Vikings A.D.

    Vikings from Iceland and Greenland were the first Europeans to reach North America. They were lead by Lief Eriksson and said to have landed on the northeast coast. Ruins of Viking setlements have been found at L'Anse aux Meadows on the Northern tip of the island of Newfoundland.
  • Jan 1, 1492

    Christopher Columbus

    Christopher Columbus sailed west from Spain to look for a short sea route to Asia. When he reached Canada he thought he had found Asia.
  • Jan 1, 1497

    John Cabot

    King Henry VII of England sent John Cabot(Italian Navigator) in search of a shorter route to Asia. MOst historians believe that he landed some where betweeen what is now the island of Newfoundland and Nova Scotia. He saw an enormous amount of cod and other fishes in the water, which brought large European fishing fleets to Canada.
  • Jan 1, 1500

    New World

    Europeans called Canada the New World, knowing that Columbus had reached an unknown land.
  • May 1, 1534

    Jacques Cartier

    King Francis I sent Jaques Cartier(French) to look for valubles in te New World. Cartier sailed into the Gulf of St. Lawrence and landed on the Gaspe Peninsula. (France Claimed it)
  • May 1, 1535

    Jacques Cartier

    Jacques Cartier made a second trip and sailed up the St. Lawrence river to persent day Montreal, and became the frst European to reach the interior of Canada.
  • Colony & Fur Trade

    Kinh Henry IV of France finalized plans to create the fur trade in Canada and to create a permanent colony in Canada.
  • Du Guast; Sieur de Monts

    The French explorer, Pierre du Guast, Sieur de Monts led a small group of settlers to a place near the mouth of the St. Croix River
  • Acadia

    French settlers left Port-Royala and later moved to Annapolis Royal in Nova Scotia. They called their colony Acadia.
  • Samuel de Champlain

    Founded a settlemant along the St. Lawrence river called Quebec. Camplain befriended the Algonquin and Huron Indians. They traded fur with them and vowed to help them in war against the Iroquios.
  • Iroquis Battle

    Champlain and 2 other French fur traders helped the ir Indian friends to defeat the Irouois; inturn the French became the Iroquois enimy.
  • Henry Hudson

    Henry Hudson sailed the Hudson Bay in search of the English passage. In doing so, England based thier claim to the Hudson Bay region.
  • Seigneurial System

    King Louis the 14th promoted the signeurial system and farming in New France. Consequently the population of New France jumped from 3,000 to 6,700 over seven years.
  • Hudson's Bay Company

    An english firm called the Hudson's Bay Company opened fur-trading posts north of New France on the shores of Hudson Bay.
  • Start of the Seven Years War

    The Fourth War started in the Ohio River Valley and spread to Europe. It was between the French and British colonists in America.
  • BritishTook Over Quebec City

    The British Armies backed up by the Briish Navy took over Quebec. The generals of both sides, Marquis de Montclam of France and James Wolfe of the U.K., were both injured in the battle.
  • End of Fighting in America

    The British took over Montreal and and the fighting stopped.
  • Peace of Paris

    In the Treaty called the Peace of Pais France surrendered most of New Franc e to the United Kingdom.
  • Breechloaders

    Shorter breechloaders were introduced to replace bows and arrows.
  • "Inuit"

    The term "Inuit" replaced the term "Eskimo" to ientify the people of Northern Canada, Alaska, Greenland and Eastern Siberia.
  • Dene Declaration

    Aboriginals considered themselves the minority in Canada abd said they were part of the Fourth World in the Dene Declaration of this year.
  • "Aboriginal"

    The term Aboriginal used in section 35 of the Constitution Act, of this year, reffers to the Indians, Inuit and Metis people of Canada.