1,000 time line

By Kiley
  • Apr 30, 700

    Tang poetry

    Tang poetry
    In the 700's the Tang had two of the poets writing for them. they were Du Fu and Li Bo. Li bo Wrote about life and the happiness while Du Fu wrote about serious subjects.
  • Apr 30, 1050


    By 1050 Chinas population was about 100 million people. Most were peasants who lived and worked on the countryside.
  • Apr 30, 1438


    The Inca Empire began in 1438. When Pachacuti the 9th ruler invaded Chanca Confederacy. He was the first leader that was a military leader and he was the head of the whole empire.
  • Apr 30, 1519


    The Aztec Empire started going down because the Europeans invaded it. They say that it might have grown if they hadn't invaded. There empire was on a pyramid as shown in the picture.
  • vikings

    in 930 an Arab, Ibn, Fadlan witnessed the funeral the the viking chietain. His body was put on a ship with rich grave goods.