
By Wyntk
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    The Lousiana Purchase is the most important land purchase in US history. The Louisiana purchase doubled America's land in only one day. The land only cost four cents and acre. When Thomas Jefferson decided to buy the Louisiana purchase in 1803 he was scared that the people would be mad with his decision, But he went with his gut and bought the Louisiana purchase for $15 million dollars and because of that United States is the way it is now.
  • Corps of Discovery

    Corps of Discovery
    When Lewis and Clark were sent by Thomas Jefferson do explore the new land and tried to find a waterway from the Missouri River to the Pacific ocean they had no idea what was ahead of them.The Corps of Discovery was a successful journey even though they did not find a waterway that connected the miss Missouri to the Pacific Lewis and Clark many new species On their journey and took notes and ideas and pictures of what the land was like and what the animals are like.
  • War of 1812

    War of 1812
    The war of 1812 is one of the worst communicated wars and U.S. history. In the war of 1812 nobody was a winner and nobody was a loser. The war had ended in a stalemate and had given the US a sense of pride and nationalism. The battle had killed many people that do not need to be killed due to a war that took place in New Orleans 15 days after theThe war had ended this war goes down in history as one of the most pointless and one of the most forgotten.
  • The Florida Territory

    The Florida Territory
    The United States took over Florida for no good reason. Florida was controlled by Spain and without permission Col. Andrew Jackson intruded the Spanish territory with the plans of taking over the area. Andrew Jackson and his men were sent to Florida just to take over the Native American sites but instead he took over the Spanish area and we claimed Florida after the Spanish agreed on a $5 million deal. The Adam-Onis Treaty.
  • The Monroe Doctrine

    The Monroe Doctrine
    James Monroe signed the Monroe doctrine to keep America away from countries who could have invaded it. It said that nobody could come over and invade the US and take land and be interested in politics.This doctrine kept North and South America safe from foreign countries.
  • Indian Removal Act & Trail of Tears

    Indian Removal Act & Trail of Tears
    Andrew Jackson put the Indian removal act into play to move the Native Americans out of their land.The Trail of Tears was the route that took the Native American from their homelands to the poor land of Oklahoma. Many Native Americans died on this journey and many were suffered great difficulties. The men and women who took this journey were never the same again. Children were also sent and murdered by the tough trail.
  • Texas

    Texas broke free from Mexico and became their own republic.Texas was their own independent country for nine years until US finally accepted them into the union. The previous president Martin Van Buren did not want Texas because of war and that it was a slave state,but when James K Polk took over he added Texas without caution and it became our nation's biggest state at the time.
  • Oregon Territory

    Oregon Territory
    54,40 or fight! The United States wanted all of the Territory of Oregon from the British. The British didn't want to lose all of their land so they decided to compromise on 49°. Parallel with the border between U.S. And Canada now.
  • Mexican American War

    Mexican American War
    The Mexican American War was over the southwestern part of America. The U.S. Won the war and claimed California, Nevada, New Mexico, Arizona. The Treaty of Guadalopa Hidalgo was signed to end the war after the Americans capured Mexican president Santa Anna. They settled that the border of Texas will be the Rio Grande and that's what It still is today.