World War I

  • Chinese Nationalists defeat Qing Emperor, Puyi

    Chinese Nationalists defeat Qing Emperor, Puyi
    Kuomintang, the Chinese Nationalist party, defeated the last emperor, Henry Puyi. China was in need for revolution and change.
  • WWI begins, Austria declares war on Serbia

    WWI begins, Austria declares war on Serbia
    Because a 19 year old Serbian killed Archduke Franz Ferdinand, the prince of Austria, Austria declared war on Serbia.
  • US enters the Great War

    US enters the Great War
    There were many reasons for the US entering WWI. First it was the sinking of Lusitania, a British ship with US citizens on it, and the Germans sank it. Then the Zimmerman Telegraph, caused by the Germans, was offering US land back to Mexico.
  • Arimistice signed, Allies defeat Central Powers

    Arimistice signed, Allies defeat Central Powers
    In 1918, an armistice was singed to seize fire. It was the Treaty of Versailles, and no one liked it except the French. None of Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points were in it, there was a war guilt clause for the Germans.
  • Gandhi leads Indian camapaign of civil disobedience

     Gandhi leads Indian camapaign of civil disobedience
    Gandhi wanted independence for India. He created his campaign of civil disobedience so India would achieve its independence from Britain without violence.
  • Mustafa Kemal transforms Turkey into Republic

    Mustafa Kemal transforms Turkey into Republic
    The Great War caused the Ottoman Empire to fall, and so then it became Turkey. Mustafa Kemal made it into a republic so his country would thrive.
  • Mao Zedong heads Long March

    Mao Zedong heads Long March
    The Long March was 6,000 miles long and it was a chase between the Nationalists and Communists. The Nationalists were chasing the Communists, and many people died from the cold and hunger.