
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

  • Mozart's First Music Piece: Initiative versus Guilt

    Mozart's First Music Piece: Initiative versus Guilt
    Wolfgang Mozart (age 5) composed his first piece of music after his father taught him notes on the harpsichord (Sadie, n.d.) In Erikson’s third stage, initiative versus guilt, the crisis is between being encouraged and believing that you can plan and achieve your goals (initiative), or being discouraged and feeling you have committed a wrongdoing (guilt).
  • Mozart is Honored: Identity versus Identity Confusion

    Mozart is Honored: Identity versus Identity Confusion
    Wolfgang Mozart (age 13) becomes honorary Konzertmeister at the Salzburg court (Sadie, n.d.). In Erikson’s fifth stage, identity versus identity confusion, the crisis is between knowing who you are, what your place is, and how you contribute to society (identity), or forming a negative sense of identity and being confused about who you are (identity confusion).
  • Mozart's Final Days: Ego Integrity versus Despair

    Mozart's Final Days: Ego Integrity versus Despair
    Wolfgang Mozart (age 35) becomes known as one of the greatest composers of all time (Sadie, n.d.). In Erikson’s eighth stage, ego integrity versus despair, the crisis is between feeling a sense of accomplishment and belief that you lived well (ego integrity) or feeling a sense of unease about your life choices (despair).