1750-1900: Industrial Revolution (WH2 Exam 1)

By bruenj
  • Period: to

    First Industrial Revolution

    First Industrial Revolution; Starts in Britain, and is best characterized by innovations in the textile, railroad, iron, and coal industries.
  • Innovation of the Steam Engine

    Innovation of the Steam Engine
    Revolutionized by James Watt; This allowed factories to move away from rivers.
  • Spinning Jenny

    Spinning Jenny
    Patented by James Hargreaves; Helped kick-off the First Industrial Revolution (GB)
  • Congress of Vienna

    Congress of Vienna
    A series of international diplomatic meetings to discuss and agree upon a possible new layout of the European political and constitutional order; keen on restoring monarchies throughout Europe and create the principle of intervention.
  • Liverpool - Manchester Railway

    Liverpool - Manchester Railway
    The world's first inter-city passenger railway and the first to have 'scheduled' services, terminal stations and services; Crucial to the development of transportation.
  • Sadler Report

    Sadler Report
    Investigative report; Gave insight to the British Parliament about brutal working conditions in factories. A by-product of the factory system and Industrial Capitalism.
  • The Communist Manifesto

    The Communist Manifesto
    Written by Karl Marx; A response to the horrible working conditions and wealth inequality in the age of Industrialism. Blames capitalism for the struggles and abuse of the working class.
  • Top of the Industrial Food-Chain

    Top of the Industrial Food-Chain
    Great Britain; First Nation to Industrialize
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    Crimean War

    Causes of the war included the decline of the Ottoman Empire and the expansion of the Russian Empire. The British and French sided with the Ottoman Empire to preserve the balance of power in the Concert of Europe.
  • Nursing developments

    Nursing developments
    Florence Nightingale revolutionizes the nursing practice where she emphasizes the importance of sanitation practices and statistical analysis; Develops in response to the massive amounts of casualties from disease during the Crimean War.
  • Russian Edict of Emancipation

    Russian Edict of Emancipation
    Tsar Nicholas II frees the serf population in Russia; This and other social reforms ultimately lead to his assassination.
  • Austro-Hungarian Compromise of 1867

    Austro-Hungarian Compromise of 1867
    Created a dual monarchy in Austria-Hungary, while allowing each to have their own legislature.
  • Opening of the Suez Canal

    Opening of the Suez Canal
    An incredibly important trade-route, connecting the Mediterranean Sea to the Red Sea (a short-cut to Asia); European powers were very interested in controlling this waterway.
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    Second Industrial Revolution

    The first big "Technological Revolution" when steel, chemicals, electricity, and petroleum become leading industries.
  • Unification of Italy

    Unification of Italy
    A successful result of growing nationalism in Europe. Coincidentally, the unifications of Italy and Germany also pave the way for authoritarianism and fascism.
  • Unification of Germany

    Unification of Germany
    A successful result of growing nationalism in Europe. Their access to industrial resources and military might upset the balance of power in Europe. Coincidentally, the unifications of Italy and Germany also pave the way for authoritarianism and fascism.
  • Formation of the Triple Alliance

    Formation of the Triple Alliance
    A defensive military pact between Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy.
  • Formation of the Triple Entente

    Formation of the Triple Entente
    An informal "Alliance" between France, Great Britain, and Russia. Begins with France & Russia (1884) and includes Great Britain by 1907. This is a response to increased militarism in Europe and the formation of the Triple Alliance.