Westward Expansion Timeline

  • Bill of Rights (1791)

    Bill of Rights (1791)
    The Bill of Rights are the first ten ammendments added to the new United States Constitution. They consist of rights we excersize everyday. For example: the freedom of speech, the right to bear arms, and so on.
  • Louisiana Purchase (1803)

    Louisiana Purchase (1803)
    The Louisiana Purchase was a great deal of land that was bought from Spain. It was quite expensive, and already had Native American's living on the land. Nevertheless, American's took 'Manifest Destiny' to heart and expanded westard, forcing the natives from their homes.
  • Lewis and Clark Expedition Beginning (1804)

    Lewis and Clark Expedition Beginning (1804)
    Explorers Lewis and Clark leave to explore the west. They look for the possibility of the west passage, but more so to explore America's future land.But to make things really interesting, lets throw translator and mother Sacagewea into the mix.
  • Lewis and Clark return (1806)

    Lewis and Clark return (1806)
    Returning with hundreds of specimins, excitement, and a lust for travel, Lewis and Clark arrive back to St. Louis, and the East Coast. They bring back great stories of the west, and ultimately help kickstart the rush for the west.
  • Florida becomes a U.S State

    Florida becomes a U.S State
    With the unlawful invasion of Florida, Andrew Jackson defeats the Spanish. The Spanish, the escaped slaves, and the Native Americans are forced out of Florida and into Texas, where the Americans promise not to invade. Not yet, at least.
  • Indian Removal Act (1830)

    Indian Removal Act (1830)
    The Indian Removal Act was a law that allowed Native American's to take any of the land west of the Mississipi, in exchange for the lands they currently lived on. Despite the many protests, the 'treaty' was passed. Thus, the Trail of Tears came to be.
  • Trail of Tears (1838-1839)

    Trail of Tears (1838-1839)
    The Trail of Tears was appropriately named. Thousands upon thousands of Native American's were forced from their homes, and walked west. Thousands died on the way there, and everyone suffered at the hands of the seasons, nature, and of fellow mankind.
  • Mexican American War (end 1848)

    Mexican American War (end 1848)
    America, being a power and land hungry country, ignored their treaty with Spain and began encroaching on Mexican land, which at the time was Texas. Many important battles were fought, including the Alamo. In the end, thousands upon millions of square miles of land were lost to the Americans.
  • Transcontinental Railroad Completed (1869)

    Transcontinental Railroad Completed (1869)
    The Transcontinental Railroad was a set of traintracks that ran from 'Sea to Shining Sea'. It ran right over Native American territory without permission, but allowed people to easily access the west coast. This brought along the age of Gold Mining, among many other things.