Western Migration Expansion

  • Proclamation of 1763

    Proclamation of 1763
    Britain’s victory in the French - Indian War left vast amounts of land open for expansion. When the British attempted to expand upon the land the Indians rebelled and killed thousands of citizens and soldiers. Eventually British Colonists became aggressive towards the Indians which led to the Proclamation of 1763. This halted the colonists from expanding west of the Appalachian Mountains.
  • Northwest Territory

    Northwest Territory
    During the Revolutionary War era America didn’t have a strong central gov’t to support them through a financial crisis. The manufacturing industry had nothing maintaining it and many states were printing paper money. Since so much paper money was in circulation it devalued rather quickly which led to many businesses closing. To generate income the Continental Congress decided to sell the western lands.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    Thomas Jefferson believed in agrarian society more than industry and wanted to stimulate America’s economy. While Jefferson was in office there was a slave revolt in Haiti. Because Napoleon needed more troops there he withdrew all of them from Louisiana territory and ordered Talleyrand to offer all of it to America. The US bought all of it for $15 million. Many Americans supported this decision some Federalists rallied against it claiming it was unconstitutional.
  • West & East Florida

    West & East Florida
    The Florida area remained loyal to the British during the Revolutionary War but afterwards they returned to Spanish Control from the Treaty of Paris. Eventually the westerners rebelled against Spanish control and James Madison seized the territory. East Florida later ceded from spain and we gained control over it.
  • Webster - Ashburton Treaty

    Webster - Ashburton Treaty
    Agreement concluded by the United States and Great Britain. The treaty settled the Northeast Boundary Dispute, which had caused many conflicts, such as the Aroostook War. Over 7,000 sq mi of the disputed area, including the Aroostook valley, were given to the United States, and several waterways were opened up to both countries. The Webster-Ashburton Treaty also settled the disputed position of the U.S.-Canada border in the Great Lakes region.
  • Texas Annexation

    Texas Annexation
    In 1845, the United States of America annexed the Republic of Texas and admitted it to the Union as the 28th state. This annexation led to the Mexican-American War, during which the U.S. captured additional territory extending the nation's borders all the way to the Pacific Ocean. Texas claimed the eastern part of this new territory, which include eastern part of this new territory, which included parts of present day Colorado, Kansas, New Mexico, Texas, Wyoming, Utah, and Oklahoma.
  • Mexican Cession

    Mexican Cession
    At the end of the Mexican War the US claimed the land that later became California, Utah, Nevada, and Arizona. This raised the question of wether or not to extend slavery into these newly gained territories.
  • Gadsden Purchase

    Gadsden Purchase
    The Gadsden Purchase consists of the areas of present - day souther Arizona and New Mexico. It was signed by James Gadsden on December 30th 1853
  • Alaska

    Starting in the 1890's there was a gold rush in Alaska and its nearby yukon territory which brought thousands of miners to the territory. It became an official territory in 1912.
  • Hawaii

    When William McKinley became US president talks of the annexation of Hawaii rose once again. He eventually met with three annexationists from Hawaii and agreed to a treaty of annexation.