Western Expansions

  • The Lousiana Purchase

    The Lousiana Purchase
    The biggest purchase of land in history, giving the United States 827,000 square miles of land from the French sovergnity.
  • Great Britain Cession

    This cession gave an addition of Rupert's Land to the United States.
  • Spanish Cession

    Spanish Cession
    This cession added Florida to the United States, and was signed because Florida became a burden to Spain after the Latin American Wars of Independence.
  • President Polk

    President Polk
    James K. Polk was elected president.
  • Texas annexation

    Texas annexation
    Polk encouraged Texas to accpet President Tyler's offer, as it would benefit their economic state. They agreed and got added to the Union as the 28th state of the United States.
  • The start of the Mexican-American war

    The start of the Mexican-American war
    The Mexican war was sparked up by the Mexican loss of half of it's territory.
  • Oregan treaty with Great Britain

    Oregan treaty with Great Britain
    This treaty set the British North American border with the exeption of Vancouver Island.
  • Mexican Cession

    Mexican Cession
    This cession ended the Mexican war, and shaped the international and domestic histories of both The United States and Mexico.
  • The Gadsden Purchase

    The Gadsden Purchase
    This purchase settled the main boundaries of what we call the United States today.
  • The Start of the American Civil War

    The Start of the American Civil War
    The war was fought for the existence of the Union or independence of the confederacy.