Western Civ. Semester 1

By 80854
  • 200


    Rome was a time of architectual advancement. Most of the building styles we use today are based off of roman architecture. Like Greece, Rome was also a time of cultureal acheivements.
  • 476

    Middle Ages

    Middle Ages
    Durring the middle ages, it was the time of scholasticim. They started to apply logic and education to philosophy and religion.
  • Nov 21, 1300


    The Renaissance means rebirth. The renaissance period was a rebirth of greek and roman culture. Both of these times were full of culture and technological advancements.
  • Nov 21, 1492

    European Exploration

    European Exploration
    European Exploration was ment for three reasons Gold, God, and Glory. They learned new techniques and new ways to build ships to make traveling by sea easier.
  • Nov 21, 1521


    The reformation was the split between Martin Luther and the chrch. He was banished from the church and the city for what he believed in and his actions
  • Spanish Armadal

    Spanish Armadal
    Spain took all of their ships and sent them to sorround the island to take power from the french and english.
  • Scientific Revolution

    Scientific Revolution
    There were three major men in the scientific revolution. Copernicus and Kelper bring the theory of heliocentric,Galileo and his application of math to astrology, and Newton bringing his universal law of gravitation.
  • King Louis XIV

    King Louis XIV
    King Louis XIV, also know as the sun king, was an unlimited leader who soon had ben overthrown peacfully by his limited protastant daughter and william her husband.
  • Glorious Revolution

    Glorious Revolution
    William and Mary peacfully over through Marys father for the thrown of a limited protastant leader.
  • Greece

    Greece was a very culture based country. They valued athletics, the arts, and being the most perfect that they can be. Religion and the gods were also a big part of their life in Greece