War of 1812

  • Washington's Proclamation of Neutrality

    To avoid weakening the American nation, Washington decided not to partake in the wars in Europe between France, Spain, and Great Britain. This doesn't work though because the wars affected trade and forced America's involvement.
  • Jay Treaty

    To avoid any wars between Great Britain and America, Washington sent out John Jay to come to an agreement with England, the result was a very weak treaty that did not solve many problems.
  • Washington's Farewell Address

    With his address, Washington makes the attempt to hold peace by asking the country to avoid causing any disagreements and to stay tranquil even during times of war for other countries.
  • Impressment - 1807-1815

    While both France and England were seizing ships from the United States, England was taking the sailors and forcing them in to their own navy without a choice.
  • Embargo Act

    The embargo act was a weak, nonviolent attempt to stop the seizing of American ships by refusing trade. The act was very unpopular to the American people.
  • Chesapeake-Leopard Affair

    After an Englishman by the name of Ratford escapes and joins the USS Chesapeake, a British boat by the name of the HMS Leopard intercepted the USS Chesapeake and when the ship refused to be inspected, the HMS Leopard sailors attacked the American ship, killing 3, and injuring 18, and took Jenkin Ratford.
  • War Hawks

    A group of 3 men that tried to encourage Jefferson to go to war with Europe, the 3 men were Henry Clay, John C. Calhoun, and Felix Grundy.
  • War of 1812 begins

    After a long period of tension, America declares was on Great Britain. The reason it was only Great Britain was because it would be very hard to defeat France as well, and while both were seizing ships, Great Britain was kidnapping sailors to use in their own navy as well.
  • Tecumseh

    Tecumseh was a Native American chief that allied with the British in attempt to take the Native American land back. He died on October 5, 1813 at the battle of Thames.
  • Treaty of Ghent

    The Treaty of Ghent was a peace treaty between England and America after a gun duel between Commodore Thomas Macdonough and a British Fortilla. Many fronts did not know that the treaty had been signed yet though, so they continued to battle into 1815.
  • Hartford Convention

    The Hartford Convention was a secret meeting between a group of Federalists to discuss their opposition to James Madison's decisions. The effects of this discussion lead to the eventual civil war which divided the nation.
  • Battle of New Orleans

    The army did not know that a peace treaty had been signed yet and went to battle once more. The Battle of New Orleans was one of the most important as it gave England the realization that there was no chance of gaining any territory back south of the Canadian border.