
War of 1812

By Lydsull
  • Madison deal whit France & Great Britain

    Madison deal whit France & Great Britain
    Presiden Madison wrote Jefferson on October 19,1810 , improve relations with the United States.
  • The ballet of tippecanoe creek

    The ballet of tippecanoe creek
    The results of the battle were deadly and bioode. People were killed and wounded.
  • Napoleon defeat in europe, allowing the british to commit mor troopsto the war in the u.s

    Napoleon defeat in europe, allowing the british to commit mor troopsto the war in the u.s
    After becomihg first consul in February 1800 , he reorganized his armies from collapsr.
  • 3 separate dates when the U.S. Military crossed into Canada

    3 separate dates when the U.S. Military crossed into Canada
    The first year is 1814 , the American crossed the niagara river at buffalo ,easily seized fort Erie on 3 of July ,and turned back arash attack by the British.
  • The date that U.S. naval commander Oliver hazard perry captured a British fleet on Lake Erie

    The date that U.S. naval commander Oliver hazard perry captured a British fleet on Lake Erie
    The battle of Lake Erie, sometimes called the battle of Put in Bay was fought on September 10 1813,in Lake Eirie off the coast of Ohio during the war of 1812.
  • British attack Washington D.C and burn the capital and the White House

    British attack Washington D.C and burn the capital and the White House
    Arriving at the president's mansio , admiral Cockburn reveled in his triumph.
  • British attack baltimore

    British attack baltimore
    Shortly before midday, brooke emenges into open countny outside if Baltimore and finds himself.
  • battle of new orleans

    battle of new orleans
    The B ritish sailons were killed and 77 wounded,and 6 Americans were killed ,35 wounded,and 86 coptured.