War of 1812 Battles

By natsie
  • The battle of Tippecanoe

    Tecumseh met face to face with Harrison and called for war. People thought britian encouraged Tecumseh to attack settlers in the west on November 7, 1811.
  • Battle of New Orleans

    The British, Andrew Jackson wanted to fix the problem with the government and military.
  • Battle of Hordhoe Bend

    United states, and indians were fighting over land ownership.
  • British attack Washington D.C.

    The British attached Washington D.C. and washington citys in August, 1812 in Washington, Verginia.
  • Battle of Lake Erie

    There was a battle in Lake Erie at Lake Erie, Ohio. The war of 1812 was the first war that the U.S.A. ever declared. American Indians were against American Expansion.
  • Attack of Fort McHenry

    The British navy, Alexander Hamilton wanted to take over Fort Henry.