War of 1812

  • British Impressment Over American Ships

    The captain of a British ship, HMS Melampus, illegally impresses three Americans from a frigate ship, Chesapeake. British impressment of American ships infuriated the people of the United States and it created tension between the two countries. This was a main factor leading to war.
  • Orders in Council

    The Orders in Council affected American trade and neutrality. This greatly enraged many in the United States and was another cause for the War of 1812. Additionally, the late repeal of this decree will force the war to happen.
  • War Hawks

    Leaders in Congress formed the War Hawks and were the political representation of the people who wanted to go to war to defend the nations honor.
  • Declaration of War

    James Madison called for war against the British for many reasons (mainly because of patriotic and imperialists ideals). If Madison had waited just a couple more days there might have never of been a war, because the British repealed the Orders in Council and stopped impressment.
  • End of the Invasion of Canada

    Americans stopped trying to invade Canada after losing battles against the British and the Indians (who teamed up against Americans).Initially, the U.S. tried to just scare the Canadians away, however this did not work and the Americans retreated (ending the invasion of Canada).
  • The Battle of Lake Erie

    Oliver Hazard Perry destroyed the British vessels at Put-in-Bay. The Americans won control of Lake Erie, which meant the British had no choice of taking Detroit and they fell back where they were defeated again.
  • Burning of Washington

    British troops marched into Washington and put most of the capital in flames. However, before they set the White House on fire, they took souvenirs. The destruction of Washington spread a new fever for war and many came forward to enlist.
  • Star Spangled Banner

    The British attack Fort McHenry, but the Americans are able to keep strong and this inspired Francis Scott Key to write the Star Spangled Banner in honor of their strength. This is one of America's big wins in the war.
  • Treaty of Ghent

    United States and Great Britain decide to try make peace by making no concessions and instead settling for status quo ante bellum (no one loses or gains land with the exception of the Indians).
  • End of the Battle of New Orleans

    Took place after the Treaty of Ghent, but the battle was the official ending of the war because it was the last battle fought between the Americans and British. Additionally, the battle showed other big countries that America was no longer a "baby" country and it restored their honor, a major victory for the Americans.