war of 1812

  • Washington's proclamation of neutrality.

    This proclamation is when the United States choose not to choose between France or England In the war they where having.
  • Embargo act

    This embargo made it dos they couldn't take any foreign nations This did heavy damage to the Economy.
  • Chesapeake leopard affair

    The British blew up an American ship because they didn't let the British board the American ship.
  • Tecumseh

    The battle of tippecanoe was the last he fought.
  • War Hawks

    War Hawks encouraged war they encoraged the federalist to fight the war. This led to the death of the federalist party.
  • impressment of sailors

    The British kidnapped American soldiers and made them win the British navy.
  • Impressment of soldiers

    The British kidnaped Americans to make them join the British navy.
  • war of 1812 begins

    the war of 1812 was the usa retaliating to the British about the impressment of sliders and the capturing of the cargo ships.
  • Hartford convention

    The convention where they discussed ending the war and removing the 3/5 policy.
  • Treaty of Ghent

    The was the treaty to end the war between Britain and usa.
  • battle of new Orleans

    The British try to invade an American port but the usa fights back.
  • jays treaty

    This was when they let England all their forts from America peacfully .