war of 1812

  • Trading restrictions

    Trading restrictions
    In 1807, Britain passed the Orders in Council, which required neutral countries to obtain a license from its authorities before trading with France or French colonies.
  • The attempt to invade Canada

    The attempt to invade Canada
    the u.s tried to invade Canada with underprepared and unorganized troops. they tried 3 times and failed all times
  • Constitution vs. Guerrier during the war of 1812

    Constitution vs. Guerrier during the war of 1812
    A French boat called Guerrier V.S an American boat that was smaller in size. the boat's name was the USS Constitution.
  • Madison war

    Madison war
    The war hawks wanted to go to war with Great Britain
  • Fort Mackinac

    Fort Mackinac
    The British captured Fort Mackinac from the u.s troops.
  • Attack that lead to a death

    Attack that lead to a death
    Stephen van Rensselaer crossed the Niagara River to attack Queenston on October 13, 1812, but ultimately was defeated by a stiff British defense organized by Brock, who was killed during the fight.
  • Battle of Frenchtown

    Battle of Frenchtown
    Raisin River Massacre. the people from Kentucky troops were stopped by British and Indians in deadly fighting.
  • Battle of York 1813

    U.S. troops took control of Great Lakes, burning York. This action was later returned by the British burning of Washington, D.C.
  • Lake Erie

    Lake Erie
    The battle of Lake Erie British naval attack repulsed by Capt. Perry.
  • The larger war

    The larger war
    The battle of Baltimore and Siege of Fort McHenry September 13-14, 1814. This was the larger War of 1812. The war was between the United States and the British forces.